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Aroostook NWR Staff Assists Other Refuges With Management Programs
Northeast Region, November 30, 2005
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During the month of November, Engineering Operator Kirk Cote put to work his experience gained in demolition and habitat restoration at Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge.  Cote has been working with Russ Dyrland and Project Leader Brad Knudsen of Patuxent National Wildlife Refuge in developing demolition plans for two buildings.  The buildings occupy over 32,000 square feet on Patuxent refuge and present safety problems.  Kirk visited the site and the project is going through cultural resource review.  Aroostook National Wildlife Refuge staff have also been asked to give technical assistance to Edwin B. Forsythe and Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuges this year.

Wildlife biologist Dawn Washington made a trip from Aroostook to Moosehorn along with Job Corps students to assist with evaluating timber selected for Moosehorn's harvest program.  Washington's expertise as a forester will help the refuge accurately determine the impact on harvest areas.  This was a unique and fruitful cooperative effort between the Moosehorn and Aroostook refuge staffs.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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