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Census at Agassiz National Wildlife RefugeShows Continued Decline inMoose Population
Midwest Region, November 17, 2005
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The moose classification census was completed on Nov. 17, 2005 at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge.  Only 19 moose were found in the sample blocks representing approximately 60 percent of the survey area.  The population estimate is only 44 moose, which is down from the 70 to 80 moose that the surveys had been indicating since 1998.  Last winter's survey also indicated a decline with an estimate of 47. 

The bull/cow ratio was high at 1.28 and the calf/cow ratio was average at .429. 

Research on moose in Northwestern Minnesota indicates that the population decline that started in the mid 1980s is due to warmer spring and fall seasons.  The additional heat stress makes the moose more susceptible to the effects of parasites.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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