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Subject: Silvery Minnow Tagging
Southwest Region, September 15, 2005
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Staff from the Dexter National Fish Hatchery & Technology Center (Center) and the New Mexico Fishery Resources Office tagged 20,000 Rio Grande silvery minnows in mid September for four days.

Biologist will monitor the survival rate of the minnows during the different seasons, as well as their location in the river. The distinct mark of the Visible Implant Elastomre (VIE) plays a vital role in the identification of the minnows. The VIE is a colored flourescent elastomer material that is injected into the tissue of the fish with a hypodermic syringe. The color and location of the tags are distinct for each group of fish. This identifies the fish and the year class.

As studies continue, the season, location and the size of the minnows that are released will change. To date, the Center has made two releases. The first release took place in April and the second in September. A third release is scheduled for November. After the Novermeber release, over 160,000 Rio Grande silvery minnows will have been introduced into their native habitat, the Rio Grande.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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