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Maine FPC Earth Day Celebration with Partners/USDA Undersecretary Gilbert Gonzalez
Northeast Region, April 29, 2005
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An exhilarating Earth Day celebration took place of the banks of Maine's Penobscot River for a hundred and thirty third graders from Washington Street School in Brewer and Eddington School. The students spent the entire day participating in activities sponsored by several federal, state, tribal and private agencies and organizations. U. S. Congressman Mike Michaud attended the activities along with Congressional representatives of Senator Olympia Snowe and Senator Susan Collins. Jim Francis of the Penobscot Indian Nation spoke of the heritage and lore of the Penobscot People and their river, Richard Dill of the Maine Atlantic Salmon Commission gave a presentation on Atlantic salmon habitats and Maine Fisheries Program Complex Outreach and Education coordinator Peter Steenstra presented an activity dealing with the olfactory migration of Atlantic salmon. The festivities were attended also by U. S. Department of Agriculture, Rural Community Development Agency Undersecretary Gilbert Gonzalez who presented four Penobscot River communities with checks totalling $7.6 million to be used for river preservation. The towns of Lincoln, Old Town, Brewer and Bucksport all received a portion of the funds for improving the quality of the Penobscot in their communities. In his comments, Secretary Gonzalez said to the children "It's our responsibility to be environmental stewards. Earth Day was last Friday, but what you need to know is every day is Earth Day. It's not just once a year".

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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