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Service Formally Joins State of Minnesota's Working Lands Initiative
Midwest Region, July 29, 2005
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Efforts to protect Minnesota's waterfowl, shorebird and grassland habitat got a boost July 29 when Regional Director Robyn Thorson joined Minnesota Department of Natural Resources Commissioner Gene Merriam in St. Paul to finalize a wetland protection partnership between the Service and the State of Minnesota.

Initially proposed by Governor Pawlenty to U.S. Interior Secretary Gale Norton this past spring, the ?Working Lands Initiative? will use computer modeling technology from Region 3's Habitat and Population Evaluation Team (HAPET) along with the best science available, to target state, federal and private conservation efforts to the most valuable wetland complexes in the state. A ?memorandum of understanding? outlining the partnership was signed July 29 by Commissioner Merriam and Regional Director Thorson.

?This partnership and the collaboration of our conservation efforts is great news for Minnesota's great outdoors,? Governor Pawlenty said.

Under the Working Lands Initiative, state and federal agencies will work with conservation groups to identify, map and protect the most productive wetland areas in the most effective manner possible. The emphasis will be on voluntary, non-regulatory, incentive-based programs compatible with agriculture and conservation. Additional partners include Ducks Unlimited, the Nature Conservancy, Pheasants Forever and the Minnesota Waterfowl Association. These organizations have pledged nearly $6 million during the next two years, to be added to the $1.8 million included in the DNR budget, and a similar amount from the USFWS, for a total of about $10 million during those two years.

?By focusing our efforts, we will attain the greatest gains for conservation.? Commissioner Merriam said. ?The agreement will allow us to invest our collective resources in high-quality prairie wetland complexes that are critical to waterfowl and shorebird production.?

The most valuable wetland complexes are four to nine square miles with seasonal, semi-permanent and permanent wetlands plus at least 40 percent grasslands. Less than 10 percent of the state's wetlands and 1 percent of its native grasslands remain from pre-settlement times.

"I'm impressed by the conservation leadership shown by Governor Pawlenty and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources," said USFWS Regional Director Robyn Thorson while signing the MOU at Commissioner Merriam's office Friday. "Minnesota is leading the way for the future of wetlands and waterfowl."

The Working Lands Initiative is part of the Pawlenty Administration's broader conservation agenda which includes funding for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP), Wetlands Reserve Enhancement Program (WREP) and designation of the Glacial Ridge National Wildlife Refuge.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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