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Fuels Hazard Reduction Project Completed at Canaan Valley NWR
Northeast Region, April 12, 2005
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A site north of the Timberline Homeowners Development community in Tucker County, West Virginia was logged in 2000 immediately prior to the purchase of the property and its incorporation into the Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge. Refuge staff asked the Regional Fire Management Office to help address concerns of the Timberline community that the residual logging debris constituted a wildfire hazard. Regional Fire Management Specialist Gerald Vickers met with refuge staff and community landowners to assess the need and determine opportunities for relieving the problem. Vickers and Regional Wildland-Urban Interface Coordinator Steven Hubner developed a scope of work and invited qualified contractors to submit bids. The contract was awarded to Garcia Forest Service of Rockingham, North Carolina in the amount of approximately $17,000. Garcia completed the work in only one week, from April 5-12, 2005. The project consisted of lopping and scattering the logging debris using hand-held power tools such as chainsaws. The resulting treated area was a firebreak approximately 15,000 linear feet in length adjacent and parallel to the Service-Timberline boundary and 300 feet in width for a total area of about 104 acres. The contractor did a good job complying with the restrictions of the contract, e.g. no heavy equipment used, no live trees or standing snags cut, and no debris placed in stream channels. The Timberline homeowners as well as refuge staff were pleased with the quality of the work.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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