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Service participates in Caddo Lake Environmental Flow Prescription Conference
Southwest Region, May 5, 2005
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On May 4-5, 2005, Tom Cloud of the Arlington Field Office attended the Caddo Lake Environmental Flow Prescription Conference in Jefferson, Texas. This was the second meeting held to discuss and develop preliminary instream flow recommendations for the Cypress Bayou Basin and Caddo Lake, Texas? only RAMSAR wetland and newest National Wildlife Refuge. This was the third of five steps for establishing an Ecologically Sustainable Water Management protocol developed for use nationally by The Nature Conservancy. This methodology has been recognized as a promising collaborative approach for use in identifying Texas? environmental flow needs by the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Texas Legislature's Study Commission on Environmental Flows. The conference attendees discussed current flow/species linkages within the basin, historic and current studies, and identified a consensus preliminary flow prescription to be evaluated for future implementation by the water management agencies. Engineering constraints, cost projections, and numerous other issues will need to be addressed in the future in order to determine the feasibility of implementing the flow prescription and refining it through a process of adaptive management. The conference was attended by scientists from Texas A & M, Corps of Engineers, The Nature Conservancy, U.S. Geological Survey, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, Northeast Texas Municipal Water District, and numerous other NGOs and private landowners in the Caddo Lake area.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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