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Graham County Coordination Meeting
Southwest Region, April 8, 2005
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Arizona Ecological Services Office (AESO) Field Supervisor Steve Spangle and staff met with Graham County commissioner Mark Herrington, Graham County staff, and interested Graham County citizens and organizations to discuss concerns and coordination between AESO, Graham County, private landowners, and Federal land management agencies. Topics discussed included better coordination between AESO and Graham County, improving communication among AESO, Graham County, and the Federal agencies, working together during consultation to better manage listed species and implement projects, AESO assisting in identifying and developing funding proposals that could recover listed species and meet watershed improvement and other objectives on non-Federal lands (mainly through the Gila Watershed Partnership), and coordinating to decrease the likelihood of wildfire on all lands. Steve Spangle emphasized to the group that AESO is always available to discuss how to implement projects and plans in the county, while still meeting the objectives for the protection and recovery of listed species.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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