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LCR MSCP - ROD, EIS, and BO Signed 4/4/2005
Southwest Region, April 4, 2005
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The Lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program (LCR MSCP) section 10(a)(1)(B) permit, record of decision for the EIS, and biological opinion for the Federal agency actions included in the program was signed on April 4, 2005. This 10-year effort to provide incidental take coverage for users of Colorado River water and power in Arizona, California, and Nevada provides a cooperative program between the State users and the Bureau of Reclamation in its capacity acting for the Secretary as Watermaster for the LCR. This is a 50-year program, committing $626 million dollars (adusted annually for inflation) to the restoration of riparian, marsh, and aquatic habitats for 26 covered species on the LCR while providing certainty for present and future river management operations, generation of hydropower, and water deliveries to the 41 permittees from the three states.

Contact Info: Martin Valdez, 505-248-6599,

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