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Ashland Fishery Office and Whittlesey Creek Refuge Check on Stream Improvements
Midwest Region, March 31, 2005
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The end of spring in northern Wisconsin usually means two major events, snow melt and the run-off associated with the melt. This year was no different except the Ashland Fishery Resources Office and Whittlesey Creek National Wildlife Refuge were anticipating the melt and run-off events to see how stream improvement work that was competed in December 2004 would hold up.

A series of five engineered log jams covering approximately 1,200 feet of stream bed were installed at the Galligan Farm on the upper Whittlesey Creek watershed. This series of log jams is secured by cables and earth to the banks of the creek. It is hoped that these structures will help in decreasing the strength of the flood event in the stream channel, also decreasing the bank erosion and sediment load. The log jams will also hopefully create pools and stretches of gravel that will be utilized by spawning trout and salmon.

The log jams will be monitored through various water events over the next several years to see how the creek responds to these manipulations. Whittlesey Creek is currently being stocked with coaster brook trout, a form of brook trout that spends its' life in Lake Superior and migrates to the creeks or rivers for spawning and a early time period in its' life before migrating back out into the lake.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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