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Molly Beattie Bog Interpretive Boardwalk Made Fully Accessible
Northeast Region, November 15, 2004
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During the last week of September, a crew from the Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, volunteers from Regions 5's Regional Office, and a volunteer from the Friends of Pondicherry performed much needed repairs and upgrading to the Molly Beattie Bog trail and boardwalk at the Nulhegan Basin Division of the refuge. The path from the parking area to the boardwalk was repaired to provide access to people with all levels of mobility. Heaved sections were leveled, and safety side and hand rails were installed. Two benches were added to the observation deck and the entrance sign was repositioned.

These repairs restored the usefulness of the approach path and boardwalk for wheel chair access, the safety of the walk for visitors and will provide enhanced wildlife observation opportunities.

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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