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YUKON DELTA: Land Conservation Plan
Alaska Region, October 15, 2004
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The Planning Division and Refuge staff completed the Yukon Delta Land Conservation Plan this month. Unlike other refuge plans, LCPs focus on the private lands within refuge boundaries. The Yukon Delta Refuge is the largest in the system and includes nearly eight million acres of lands that are owned or claimed by individuals, Native corporations, or the State of Alaska. The Yukon Delta LCP identifies and prioritizes these private lands and serves as a decision-making tool when landowners approach us with offers to sell or exchange lands. The complete text of the LCP, including an interactive map, is available on CD-ROM. Printed copies of the LCP Summary are available from the Division of Conservation, Planning & Policy at (907) 786-3357.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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