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Cooperative Venture with Missouri DOT Adds 40 Wetland Acres to Squaw Creek Refuge
Midwest Region, September 3, 2004
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Thanks to a cooperative project with the Missouri Department of Transportation, Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge now has 40 more acres of wetlands. Approximately four years ago, Refuge Manager Bell was approached by the MoDOT Transportation Project Manager Shannon Kusilek inquiring about getting fill material for a 2.2 mile road project on Highway 118 adjacent to the north boundary of Squaw Creek. The project included raising this portion of road as well as replacing three bridges. In order for this project to be accomplished, a large volume of fill material was required. If MoDOT had to bring fill in from an outside source, it would have significantly increased the price for the project.

Since the establishment of Squaw Creek NWR in 1935, sedimentation has been a problem and has resulted in the degredation and reduction of refuge wetlands. One such refuge wetland that had suffered from siltation is located in the northeast corner of Mallard Marsh adjacent to Highway 118 and right next to the primary bridge crossing on Squaw Creek.

Realizing that both agencies were going to benefit, (MoDOT was going to save a considerable amount of money and Squaw Creek was going to be able to restore wetlands lost over the past 70 years), the cooperative project was set up.

Work began in summer 2003 and the $2.2 million dollar project was completed on Sept. 3, 2004. The total cost to remove fill material from the northeast corner of Mallard Marsh was estimated to be approximately $160,000. Total cost to Squaw Creek NWR was $10,000. The Service money was for the purchase of two water control structures, dike seed and some labor for seeding and finishing work.

Squaw Creek now has an additional 40 acres of wetlands (now named Teal Pool). A new pull off is also being developed that overlooks the new wetland and a sign will be produced that will tell about how two agencies can work together for the common good of saving tax payer money while improving wetland habitat.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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