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TOGIAK: Cape Peirce Weather Allows Appropriations Staff Visit
Alaska Region, August 18, 2004
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Leif Fonnesbeck and Loretta Beaumont, Senate and House Appropriations staffers, respectively, were accompanied by Special Assistant to the Director Casey Stemler, Regional Marine Mammals Supervisor Rosa Meehan, and Regional Chief of Refuges Todd Logan on a visit to Togiak Refuge on August 18 and 19. Unusually good weather heralded the group's visit allowing a flight to Cape Peirce to observe one of two walrus haulouts on the Refuge and seabird colonies in the area.

Although well down from the peak of 7,000 walrus found at Cape Peirce in the 1980's, there were enough animals in the area to show the group why Cape Peirce is a special value of the Refuge. Cape Peirce is considered as a Special Management Area in the comprehensive conservation plan being drafted for Togiak Refuge.

The field trip allowed Washington and Regional visitors to spend time with two Biological Technicians assigned to Cape Peirce for their five month season. The dedication and enthusiasm of these young women in light of their remote working conditions gave guests valuable insights into the seasonal work force supporting Refuges and other programs in Alaska. Good discussions about problems and opportunities filled the rest of the visitors? brief stay in Dillingham, along with a cookout of locally caught salmon and halibut.

Contact Info: Maeve Taylor , (907) 786-3391,

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