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Yearling Coaster Brook Trout Stocked at Pictured Rocks
Midwest Region, April 30, 2004
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After more than a year of rearing at the Genoa National Fish Hatchery, 7,500 coaster brook trout averaging eight inches long were stocked at the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore this April. The coasters were originally hatched at the Iron River National Fish Hatchery, 19 months earlier. By January 2003, the little ?brookies? were approximately one-inch and were transferred to Genoa for advanced rearing. Genoa is able to achieve better growth rates by rearing the yearling fish on its constant groundwater temperature of 52ยบ F throughout the winter and summer. Growth averages almost 3/4 of an inch per month. The stocking is an outstanding achievement for the resource. Although Genoa has in the past produced coaster brook trout, never before has Genoa produced so many yearling fish. Larger fish should mean better survival in the wild. Better survival contributes to the overall success of the restoration program.

The coaster brook trout is a threatened strain of brook trout which is endemic to the Isle Royale region of Lake Superior. Though similar to the inland strains, coasters become larger; attaining weights of 4-10 lbs. Overfishing, pollution, and sea lampreys have all contributed to the diminishing number of coaster brook trout in the Great Lakes.

The Genoa National Fish Hatchery is cooperating with the Iron River National Fish Hatchery, the Ashland Fisheries Resource Office, and the states of Wisconsin and Michigan to restore the coaster brook trout to its native range on the southern shore of Lake Superior.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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