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Invasive Plants Publication Becomes Multi-Agency Project
Northeast Region, December 1, 2003
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Link to Northeast Region, USFWS; map of regionA biological invasion of non-native plants is spreading into our nation's fields, pastures, forests, wetlands, waterways, natural areas, and rights-of-way. Variously referred to as exotic, nonnative, alien, noxious, or non-indigenous weeds, invasive plants impact native plant and animal communities by displacing native vegetation and disrupting habitats as they become established and spread over time.

The University of Georgia and agencies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture have together developed a CD to provide resource managers and the public with information to help check the spread of invasive plants. Originally developed by the Chesapeake Bay Field Office, "Invasive Plants of the Eastern United States: Identification and Control" covers identification characteristics, plant distribution and control options for 97 tree, shrub, vine, grass, fern, forb and aquatic plant species that are invading the eastern United States. For each species, a menu of control options is presented, including mechanical treatments, specific herbicide prescriptions and, for selected species, recent advances in biological control. (The project can be viewed online at This is not a Fish and Wildlife Service site.)

While the publication is not an official list of "invasive" plants throughout the eastern United States, it includes federally identified noxious weeds and those listed by state regulatory agencies, pest plant councils and other organizations. Some of the plants on the list are often found in ornamental plantings and landscapes. In fact, many non-native plants introduced for horticultural and agricultural use now pose a serious ecological threat in the absence of their natural competitors and control agents.

This publication will help landowners, foresters, resource managers and the general public become familiar with invasive plants to help protect our environment from the economic and ecological impacts of these biological pollutants. Contact Britt Slattery.

NORTHEAST REGION, U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE -- Conserving the Nature of the Northeast

Contact Info: Jennifer Lapis, (413) 253-8303,

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