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Midwest Region, October 13, 2003
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On a bright sunny day at the shores of beautiful Lake Superior, 280 adult lake trout of the Lake Superior Apostle Island Wild Strain were released.

Staff from the Iron River National Fish Hatchery loaded the trout at the hatchery and planted them near Port Wing, Wis. The trout averaged between 28 and 35 inches in length and weighed between 10 and 20 pounds. Before release, each fish had a left pectoral fin and adipose fin removed.

The retired broodstock were stocked as a reward for the outstanding performance they rendered during their stay at the hatchery. An additional reason for stocking is that broodstock rearing facility is full and younger fish of the same strain are stepping up to take over their elders responsibilities. The need for broodstock reductions occasionally occur at the hatchery and stocking is both beneficial to the fish and to the local community.

Contact Info: Midwest Region Public Affairs, 612-713-5313,

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