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Grazing Permit Renewal Information

The following grazing permits and associated allotments are scheduled for renewal during 2008.  Rangeland health evaluations are currently being conducted for the grazing allotments associated with the grazing permit.  Results from the evaluations will be used to determine appropriate actions for consideration when renewing the grazing permit.  Actions will then be analyzed in a National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) document.

The public is invited to provide comments and information to be considered in the rangeland health evaluations and the associated NEPA document.  Contact information for comments is listed in each allotment summary. Public scoping period for each grazing permit renewal summary ends fifteen days after the posting date of each allotment summary.  Public scoping periods for Environmental Assessments are also for fifteen days after the posting date of the EA.

Grazing Permit Proposed Decisions

Grazing Permit Preliminary EA's

Standards Determination Documents

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GPR Information by Year

Grazing Permit Renewal Summaries
2008  |  2009

Grazing Permit Renewals
2007  |  2008  |  2009

Range Improvement Projects

Last updated: 04-16-2009