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Agenda: Serious Injury Technical Workshop 2007

Workshop Home | Agenda | Terms of Reference

Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3

You may also download the agenda [pdf].

DAY 1, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2007 (8:30 AM-5:30 PM)
Review and Discuss Existing Processes for Making Serious Injury Determinations

8:00 AM   Late Registration
8:30 AM Welcome, Introductions, and Getting Organized
  • Welcome and opening (Doug DeMaster - Director, AKFSC)
  • Participant introductions (CONCUR, Inc.)
  • Objectives of the workshop (Tom Eagle, NMFS Headquarters)
  • Process for the workshop (CONCUR, Inc.)
    • Agenda overview
9:00 AM Review of Existing Guidelines to Distinguish Serious from Non-Serious Injuries (1997 workshop report) (Robyn Angliss - AKFSC)
9:15 AM Evaluate Current Data and Determination Systems
(Session Chair: Tim Cole)
Current Data Sources
9:45 AM Current Determination Systems
10:25 AM BREAK
10:40 AM
12:00 PM Synthesis
12:50 PM LUNCH (On Your Own)
2:15 PM Facilitated Breakout Group Discussion on the Evaluation of Current Data and Serious Injury Determination Systems
Breakout group structure and questions TBD
4:15 PM Breakout group leaders and reporters summarize breakout group discussions
4:30 PM Breakout groups present summary statements
6:30 PM Please join fellow workshop participants at "forty-two", a unique wine bar in the lobby of the Watertown Hotel.

DAY 2, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2007 (8:30 AM-6:00 PM)
Review and Discuss New Information from Survival Evaluations and the Pathobiology of Injuries

8:30 AM   Overview: Questions from Day 1 and Review Day 2 Agenda
8:45 AM Overview of New Information on Survival of Injured Marine Mammals
Large Whales (Session Chair: Tom Eagle)
10:05 AM Facilitated Discussion on Large Whales
11:05 AM Small Cetaceans and Manatees (Session Chair: Karin Forney)
12:35 PM LUNCH (On Your Own)
1:45 PM Facilitated Discussion on Small Cetaceans and Manatees
2:45 PM Pathobiology of Injuries (Session Chair: Teri Rowles)
3:50 PM
5:00 PM Facilitated Discussion on the Pathobiology of Injuries

DAY 3, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2007 (9:00 AM-5:00 PM)
Breakout Groups Sessions

9:00 AM   Overview: Questions from Day 2 and Review Day 3 Agenda
  • Outline breakout group sessions (CONCUR, Inc.)
    • Group composition (TBD)
    • Questions for discussion (TBD)
9:30 AM

Breakouts Group Activity
Session One

  • Group 1: Longitudinal/survival rates from a modeling perspective
  • Group 2: Categorization of injuries and pathological consequences: Gear-related injuries (i.e., entanglements, hookings, and ingestions)
  • Group 3: Categorization of injuries and pathological consequences: Sharp, blunt force, and penetrating injuries
11:30 AM Breakout group leaders and reporters summarize breakout group discussions
11:45 AM Breakout groups present summary statements
12:30 PM LUNCH (On Your Own)
1:45 PM

Session Two

  • Group 1: Large cetaceans
  • Group 2: Small cetaceans
  • Group 3: Pinnipeds and other species
3:45 PM Breakout group leaders and reporters summarize breakout group discussions
4:00 PM Breakout groups present summary statement/ Plenary Discussion
5:00 PM


General Background Literature


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