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Web sites
Planetizen Exit EPA Disclaimer
An information exchange forum for the urban planning, design and development community.

EPA's Office of Research and Development: Urban Watershed Management Branch
They are focused on urban watershed environmental problems through the control of wet weather flow (WWF) pollution and urban infrastructure. Gateway Web site for this EPA division.

City and Regional Planning Resources - Planning Commissioner's Journal Exit EPA Disclaimer
Links to current and back issues related to zoning, planning, design, and current trends in the field of city planning. Includes special reprint sets called “Taking a Closer Look” which include a collection of articles on topics of interest such as Transportation, Planning Law, New Development Traditional Patterns, Sprawl, Green Essentials. Most publications require a nominal fee.

Low Impact Development Institute Web Site. Exit EPA Disclaimer
This web site contains general information on Low Impact Development BMPs and case studies, as well as hot-links to related organizations and projects.

Smart Growth Library Exit EPA Disclaimer
Includes an exhaustive collection of research papers, newspaper articles, reports, guidebooks, speeches and presentation on issues surrounding smart growth.

Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN) Exit EPA Disclaimer
A Web site dedicated to environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff. It is developed by the International City/County Managmement Association. Includes a hyperlinked toolbox sorted by topic, including Smart Growth.

EPA Wetlands and Sustainable Communities (*PDF, 229 kb)
EPA Office of Wetlands publication on how wetlands support community goals

EPA's Low Impact Development Site
A collection of documents highlighted by EPA as sound LID guidance

National Menu of Best Management Practices for Stormwater Phase II
The menu is intended to provide guidance to regulated small MS4s as to the types of practices they could use to develop and implement their storm water management programs.

Eight Tools of Watershed Protection in Developing Areas
An introductory training on the principles of protecting aquatic resources in an urbanized or developing watershed.

EPA's Development, Community & Environment Division's Smart Growth Site
Information on "smart growth" policies, funding sources, networking opportunities, technical tools and resources.Includes case studies.

Puget Sound Water Quality Action Team Exit EPA Disclaimer
Information on "smart growth" policies, funding sources, networking opportunities, technical tools and resources.Includes case studies.

Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Chesapeake Bay Commission Exit EPA Disclaimer

Council of Infrastructure Financing Authorities Exit EPA Disclaimer

International City/County Management Association (ICMA) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Smart Growth America Exit EPA Disclaimer
A citizens' information source on planning that coordinates development, transportation, revitalization of older areas and preservation of open space and the environment.

City and Regional Planning Resources - Sprawl Guide Exit EPA Disclaimer
Links to articles on topics related to smart growth. Most must be purchased for a nominal fee. Exhaustive listing of planning tools and terms related to growth and sprawl. Listing of articles on the roots and impacts of sprawl as the dominant model of growth. Selection of publications related to sprawl. Spawning sprawl: a topic-based consideration of policies and approaches that have created sprawl as the dominant footprint on the landscape. A state-based listing of organizations working to curb sprawl and publicize related issues.

Getting to Smart Growth (*PDF, 89 kb) Exit EPA Disclaimer
100 Policies for Implementation Smart Growth Network/International City County Management Association.

Center for Watershed Protection. Exit EPA Disclaimer
Contains model ordinances, BMP effectiveness information, and other information on urban pollution and controls, with a concentration on watershed-based approaches.

Nonpoint Education for Municipal Officials (NEMO). Exit EPA Disclaimer
NEMO provides municipal officials with technical assistance and training in linking land use to water quality.

Handbook for Wetlands Conservation and Stability Exit EPA Disclaimer
The handbook features guidelines and tips for an effective community wetlands project.

State of Maryland Website on Smart Growth Exit EPA Disclaimer
Initiatives from the state of Maryland's Department of Planning

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Wetlands Exit EPA Disclaimer
Wetlands management guidelines and tools for private landowners

Trust for Public Land publications Exit EPA Disclaimer
Download "The Economic Benefits of Parks and Open Space: How Land Conservation Helps Communities Grow Smart and Protect the Bottom Line" and "Building Green Infrastructure: Land Conservation as a Watershed Protection Strategy."

EPA Wetlands
Guiding Principles for Constructed Wetlands

Smart Growth Network Exit EPA Disclaimer
A growing coalition of developers, planners, government officials, lending institutions, community groups, architects, and other stakeholders. The Web site contains a large library of documents on smart growth and offers many other links.

Low Impact Development Center Exit EPA Disclaimer

Natural Resources Defense Council Exit EPA Disclaimer

TreePeople Exit EPA Disclaimer

Urban Land Institute (ULI) Exit EPA Disclaimer

Know Your Watershed Exit EPA Disclaimer

The Conservation Fund Exit EPA Disclaimer

Groundwater Foundation Exit EPA Disclaimer

NALGEP's Smart Growth for Clean Water Report Exit EPA Disclaimer

Technical publications on stormwater modelling Exit EPA Disclaimer
Stormwater related technical publications

Literature Review (*PDF, 568 kb)
A literature review of studies on the effectiveness of low impact development techniques U.S EPA/Low-Impact Development Center.

Smart Growth for Clean Water: Helping Communities Address the Water Quality Impacts of Sprawl. Exit EPA Disclaimer
(National Association for Local Government Environmental Professionals)
Released in June 2003, the report highlights case studies and innovative approaches to help local government officials implement smart growth programs in their communities that can address various water quality challenges. The report profiles several local partnerships across the nation that have successfully used these approaches to realize multiple environmental and economic benefits.

Coastal Sprawl: The Effects of Urban Design on Aquatic Ecosystems in the United States. (*PDF, 1.65 mb) Exit EPA Disclaimer
Pew Oceans Commission. April 2002.

Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing Development Rules in Your Community.Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Center for Watershed Protection (August 1998).
This handbook was prepared for local planners, engineers, developers, and officials to help them understand development principles that can be used to create environmentally sensitive, economically viable, and locally appropriate development.
Our Built and Natural Environments: (*PDF, 1.53 mb)
A technical review of the Interactions between Land use, Transportation and Environmental Quality.

Smart Growth Publications
A compendium of publications related to smart growth and transportation design, from EPA's Web site.

An Introduction to Better Site Design Exit EPA Disclaimer
Center for Watershed Protection
This article in outlines the 22 model development principles and provides supporting data for their use.

Smart Growth Strategies: Protecting Water Resources.
Local Government Roles and Options for the Rocky Mountains and Northern Great Plains. National Association of Counties. December 2001. Visit www.naco.org Exit EPA Disclaimer to request copies.

Institutional Aspects of Urban Runoff Management: A Guide for Program Development and Implementation.
Livingston, Shaver, Horner, and Skupien (May 1997). The Watershed Management Institute, Inc.(WMI) (in cooperation with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency).
A comprehensive review of the institutional framework of successful urban runoff management programs at city, county, regional, and state levels of government. Recommendations are provided (based on surveys) that can help in all aspects of urban runoff program development and management. Contact WMI at: (850) 926-5310.

National Management Measures to Control Nonpoint Source Pollution from Urban Areas
EPA 842-B-02-003
A comprehensive technical manual.
Natural Approaches To Stormwater Management (*PDF, 1.14 mb)
A report filled with ideas to inspire the use of LID in communities. Topics include amended soils and bioretention, permeable pavement, rooftop rainwater harvesting, and innovative foundations Puget Sound Action Team, Office of the Governor, Washington State.

Maryland Coastal Bays Program Exit EPA Disclaimer
The guide, "Envisioning the Future: A New Tool for Coastal Managers," describes techniques coastal managers can utilize to explore growth management options.
Stormwater Planning - A Guidebook for British Columbia Exit EPA Disclaimer
The stormwater planning guidebook — a new tool for local governments — presents a methodology for moving from planning to action that focuses on implementing early action where it is most needed. The guidebook approach is designed to eliminate the root cause of negative ecological and property impacts of stormwater by addressing the spectrum of rainfall events.
Builders Guide to Low Impact Development (*PDF, 91 kb)
Outreach brochure pitched at the introductory level focusing on basic principles of LID design as well as cost-benefit approach of using LID elements in site-planning. Low-Impact Development Center.
Municipal Guide to Low Impact Development (*PDF, 89 kb)
Outreach brochure pitched at the introductory level focusing on basic principles of LID design as well as cost-benefit approach and public planning concerns. Low-Impact Development Center.
Virginia Natural Resources Leadership Institute Exit EPA Disclaimer
Paper on Private Markets and Public Responsibilities
Smart Growth Zoning Codes: A Resource Guide (*PDF, 210 kb) Exit EPA Disclaimer
Based on the Local Government Commission's research of more than 150 'smart growth' zoning codes from across the nation, this guidebook will help planners design a zoning code that encourages the construction of walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods and the revitalization of existing places. A copy may be ordered from the Local Government Commission’s bookstore. Exit EPA Disclaimer