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Resources by Material Type

Asphalt and Concrete | Shingles | Gypsum (drywall) | Steel | Wood | Plastic | Carpet | Lead | Paint

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Photo of an asphalt road

Asphalt and Concrete

Asphalt Recycling and Reclaiming Association Exit EPA is an organization of businesses involved in asphalt recovery, primarily from road paving projects.

ConcreteRecycling.org Exit EPA is a website hosted by the Construction Materials Recycling Association and presents information and case studies on concrete recycling.

The Environmental Council of Concrete Organizations (ECCO) Exit EPA is a coalition of concrete industry associations focused on concrete and the environment. ECCO's catalog includes several publications on concrete recycling issues.

University of New Hampshire Recycled Materials Resource Center Exit EPA is a national center created in partnership with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to promote the wise use of recycled materials (pavements, secondary, waste, byproduct materials) in the highway environment.

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Photo of shingle removal


ShingleRecycling.org Exit EPA is an online resource for those interested in recycling asphalt shingles. Developed through a grant from EPA Region 5, the Construction Materials Recycling Association (CMRA), with technical support from the University of Florida, provides extensive information on asphalt shingle recycling, including research results, market data, regulatory information, and additional links.

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Gypsum Wallboard (drywall)

DrywallRecycling.org Exit EPA provides online resources for those interested in recycling gypsum drywall including processing information, markets, environmental and permitting issues, case studies, technical reports, and factsheets. This site was developed through a grant from EPA Region 5 to he Construction Materials Recycling Association (CMRA), with technical support from the University of Florida.

The Gypsum Association Exit EPA offers brief guidance on ground drywall land application.

WasteCap Wisconsin's website Exit EPA provides numerous studies and resources related to gypsum recycling.

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The Steel Recycling Institute Exit EPA, an industry association, provides information about recycling and buying , recycled steel building products.

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Photo of worker carrying wooden planks

USDA Forest Products Laboratory Exit EPA conducts research on the recycling of wood and other forest products:

Directory of Wood-Framed Building Deconstruction and Reused Building Materials Companies (2005) (PDF) (117 pp, 919K) Exit EPA
Developed by the USDA Forest Products Laboratory, this directory provides information on companies involved in wood-framed building deconstruction, dismantling, and utilization of reused building materials, with an emphasis on those that use, resell, and/or re-manufacture salvaged wood. The majority of companies listed are those that either salvage or sell building materials.

CCAResearch.org Exit EPA, a Hinkley Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Web site, provides research findings from studies of chromated copper arsenate (CCA) treated wood.

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The American Plastic Council's Vinyl Siding Recycling: A How-To Guide Exit EPA provides information on finding markets for recycled vinyl siding, setting up collection systems, developing a quality control program, and developing a processing line.

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Photo of carpet

EPA's Product Stewardship Program's Carpet page provides information on carpet reuse, refurbishing, and recycling and additional carpet resources. Under EPA's Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG), Federal agencies are required to purchase items containing recovered materials. EPA is considering a proposal for nylon carpet and nylon carpet containing recovered content backing in the next CPG. Polyester carpet is already one of the 54 items listed in the CPG. The recommended recovered material content for polyester face fiber is listed as 25 to 100 percent PET resin (from recycled plastic beverage bottles).

Carpet and Padding: Reuse and Recycling Opportunities (PDF) (2 pp, 301K)
Produced by National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Research Center, this brochure provides an overview of carpet and padding recycling for retailers, installers, solid waste planners, recyclers, and consumers.

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The National Lead Information Center (NLIC) Exit EPA provides the general public and professionals with information about lead hazards and their prevention.

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For information on lead-based paint removal from residences, see the Lead-Based Paint Rule promulgated by EPA. Additional information is also available:

Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has initiated the Partners for Waste Paint Solutions Program. Exit EPA The program offers consumers the opportunity to deliver unwanted paint to local participating paint retailers where it will be reformulated or remixed for reuse.

Proposed Waste Paint Stewardship (Recycling) Program Factsheet (PDF) (2 pp, 154K) Exit EPA was developed by the Saskatchewan Environment Agency, Environmental Protection Branch, in Canada and contains a review of paint recycling programs under development and those that are already implemented across Canada.

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