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Grants.gov Language that may be used in Announcement

A. Submission Instructions for Electronic Applications

The following example of proposal/application instructions for Grants.gov Apply may be modified to meet your office needs. In addition, the type of data and forms to be submitted may vary depending on the type of competitive announcement or process used by your office (e.g., Request for Initial Proposals-RFIP, Request for Applications-RFA). These instructions are meant for a full application, using all the required forms. Following these example instructions, is a brief discussion of how Grants.gov Apply may be used for various types of submissions under a competitive announcement.

Grants.gov Application Instructions Example

General Application Instructions

The electronic submission of your application must be made by an official representative of your institution who is registered with Grants.gov. For more information, go to http://www.grants.gov EPA Disclaimerand click on "Get Started," and then "Authorized Organization Representative (AOR)." Note that the registration process may take a week or longer. If your organization is not currently registered with Grants.gov, please encourage your office to designate an AOR and ask that individual to begin the registration process as soon as possible.

To begin the application process for this grant program, go to http://www.grants.gov EPA Disclaimerand click on "Apply for Grants." Then click on "Apply Step 1: Download a Grant Application Package and Application Instructions" to download the PureEdge viewer and obtain the application package (https://apply.grants.gov/forms_apps_idx.html).EPA Disclaimer You may retrieve the application package by entering the Funding Opportunity Number, EPA-XXX-06-xx, in the space provided. You may also access the application package by clicking on the button at the bottom right side of the Find synopsis that says Apply for Grant Electronically.

Application Submission Deadline: Your organization's AOR must submit your complete application electronically to EPA through Grants.gov (http://www.grants.gov)EPA Disclaimer no later than midnight Eastern Time, July 1, 2005.

Please submit all of the application materials described below.

Application Materials

The following forms and documents are required under this announcement:

1. Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
2. Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424A)
3. EPA Key Contacts Form 5700-54
4. Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B)
5. Grants.gov Lobbying Form
6. EPA Form 4700-4 - Preaward Compliance Review Report
7. Project Narrative Attachment Form (Work Plan)
8. Budget Narrative Attachment Form (Budget Detail)
9. Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL), if applicable

The application package must include all of the following materials:

1. Standard Form (SF) 424, Application for Federal Assistance
Complete the form. There are no attachments.
Please note that the organizational Dun and Bradstreet (D&B) Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number must be included on the SF-424. Organizations may obtain a DUNS number at no cost by calling the toll-free DUNS number request line at 1-866-705-5711.

2. SF-424A, Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs
Complete the form. There are no attachments.
The total amount of federal funding requested for the two-year project period should be shown on line 5(e) and on line 6(k) of SF-424A. If indirect costs are included, the amount of indirect costs should be entered on line 6(j). The indirect cost rate (i.e., a percentage), the base (e.g., personnel costs and fringe benefits), and the amount should also be indicated on line 22. If indirect costs are requested, a copy of the Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement must be submitted as part of the application package. (See instructions for document 10 below.)

3. SF-424B, Assurances for Non-Construction Programs
Complete the form. There are no attachments.

4. Grants.gov Lobbying Form - Certification Regarding Lobbying
Complete the form. There are no attachments.

5. EPA Form 5700-54, Key Contacts Form
Complete the form. There are no attachments.
If additional pages are needed, attach these additional pages to the electronic application package by using the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box. (See Application Preparation and Submission Instructions below for more details.)

6. EPA Form 4700-4, Pre-Award Compliance Review Report
Complete the form. There are no attachments.

7. Project Narrative Attachment Form - Work Plan, Including a Quality Assurance Narrative Statement (typically, this form will also require applicants to address the ranking criteria from Section V of the announcement)

8. Budget Narrative Attachment Form - Detailed Itemized Budget
Prepare the Detailed Itemized Budget and attach is by clicking on "Budget Narrative Attachment Form" and then "Add Mandatory Budget Narrative." (See Application Preparation and Submission Instructions below for more details.)

9. SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (i.e., required if your organization is involved in lobbying)
Complete the form if your organization is involved in lobbying activities.

10. Other Attachments Form - Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement (if indirect costs are included in the project budget)
Use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box to attach a copy of your organization's Indirect Cost Rate Agreement, if applicable. (See Application Preparation and Submission Instructions below for more details.)
You must submit a copy of your organization's Indirect Cost Rate Agreement as part of the application package if your proposed budget includes indirect costs.

11. Other Attachments Form - Biographical Sketches for the Project Manager(s)
Use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box to attach a copy of the biographical sketch of each project manager for the proposed project. Each biographical sketch should outline the education, work history, and knowledge/expertise of the individual that relate to managing the proposed project.

Application Preparation and Submission Instructions

Documents 1 through 8 listed under Application Materials above should appear in the "Mandatory Documents" box on the Grants.gov Grant Application Package page.

For documents 1 through 6, click on the appropriate form and then click "Open Form" below the box.

  1. The fields that must be completed will be highlighted in yellow.
  2. Optional fields and completed fields will be displayed in white.
  3. If you enter an invalid response or incomplete information in a field, you will receive an error message.
  4. When you have finished filling out each form, click "Save."
  5. When you return to the electronic Grant Application Package page, click on the form you just completed, and then click on the box that says, "Move Form to Submission List."
  6. This action will move the document over to the box that says, "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission."

For documents 7 and 8, you will need to attach electronic files.

  1. Prepare your project Work Plan using the format outlined above (see document 7 under Application Materials) and save the document to your computer as an MS Word or WordPerfect file.
  2. (U.S. EPA prefers to receive documents in MS Word, by documents prepared in WordPerfect will also be accepted.)
  3. When you are ready to attach your Work Plan to the application package, click on "Project Narrative Attachment Form," and open the form.
  4. Click "Add Mandatory Project Narrative File," and then attach your Work Plan (previously saved to your computer) using the browse window that appears.
  5. You may then click "View Mandatory Project Narrative File" to view it.
  6. Enter a brief descriptive title of your project in the space beside "Mandatory Project Narrative File Filename;" the filename should be no more than 40 characters long.
  7. If there other attachments that you would like to submit to accompany your Work Plan, you may click "Add Optional Project Narrative File" and proceed as before.
  8. When you have finished attaching the necessary documents, click "Close Form."
  9. When you return to the "Grant Application Package" page, select the "Project Narrative Attachment Form" and click "Move Form to Submission List."
  10. The form should now appear in the box that says, "Mandatory Completed Documents for Submission."
  11. Follow the same general procedures for attaching document 8 - the Detailed Itemized Budget - using the "Budget Narrative Attachment Form."

Documents 9 through 11 are listed in the "Optional Documents" box, but please note that these so-called "optional" documents must also be submitted as part of the application package, if applicable to your organization.

  1. You are only required to submit document 9 - SF-LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities - if your organization is involved in lobbying activities.
  2. You are required to submit document 10 - Negotiated Indirect Cost Rate Agreement - if you have included any indirect costs in your proposed budget.
  3. You must submit document 11 - Biographical Sketches for Project Manager(s).
  4. To attach document 10 and document 11, use the "Other Attachments Form" in the "Optional Documents" box.
  5. After attaching the documents, please remember to highlight the "Other Attachments Form" and click "Move Form to Submission List" in order to move the documents to the box that says, "Optional Completed Documents for Submission."

Once you have finished filling out all of the forms/attachments and they appear in one of the "Completed Documents for Submission" boxes, click the "Save" button that appears at the top of the Web page. It is suggested that you save the document a second time, using a different name, since this will make it easier to submit an amended package later if necessary. Please use the following format when saving your file: "Applicant Name - FY05 - Assoc Prog Supp - 1st Submission" or "Applicant Name - FY 05 Assoc Prog Supp - Back-up Submission." If it becomes necessary to submit an amended package at a later date, then the name of the 2nd submission should be changed to "Applicant Name - FY05 Assoc Prog Supp - 2nd Submission."

Once your application package has been completed and saved, send it to your AOR for submission to U.S. EPA through Grants.gov. Please advise your AOR to close all other software programs before attempting to submit the application package through Grants.gov.

In the "Application Filing Name" box, your AOR should enter your organization's name (abbreviate where possible), the fiscal year (e.g., FY05), and the grant category (e.g., Assoc Prog Supp). The filing name should not exceed 40 characters. From the "Grant Application Package" page, your AOR may submit the application package by clicking the "Submit" button that appears at the top of the page. The AOR will then be asked to verify the agency and funding opportunity number for which the application package is being submitted. If problems are encountered during the submission process, the AOR should reboot his/her computer before trying to submit the application package again. [It may be necessary to turn off the computer (not just restart it) before attempting to submit the package again.] If the AOR continues to experience submission problems, he/she may contact Grants.gov for assistance by phone at 1-800-518-4726 or email at support@grants.gov.

If you have not received a confirmation of receipt from EPA (not from support@grant.gov) within 30 days of the application deadline, please contact XXXXX, Grant Program Manager, at (202) xxx-xxxx. Failure to do so may result in your application not being reviewed.

B. Additional Example of Grants.gov Submission Instructions

Application Submission and Receipt Procedures. This section provides the application submission and receipt instructions for EPA program applications. Please read the following instructions carefully and completely.

1. Electronic Delivery. EPA is participating in the Grants.gov Initiative that provides the Grant Community a single site to find and apply for grant funding opportunities. EPA encourages applicants to submit their applications electronically through http://www.grants.gov/Apply.EPA Disclaimer

2. The following describes what to expect when applying on line using Grants.gov/Apply:

a. Instructions. On the site, you will find step-by-step instructions which enable you to apply for EPA funds. The Grants.gov/Apply feature includes a simple, unified application process that makes it possible for applicants to apply for grants online. There are six "Get Started" steps to complete at Grants.gov. The information applicants need to understand and execute the steps can be found at http://www.grants.gov/GetStarted.EPA Disclaimer Applicants should read the Get Started steps carefully. The site also contains registration checklists to help you walk through the process. EPA recommends that you download the checklists and prepare the information requested before beginning the registration process. Reviewing and assembling required information before beginning the registration process will make the process fast and smooth and save time.

b. DUNS Requirement. All applicants applying for funding, including renewal funding, must have a Dun and Bradstreet Universal Data Numbering System (DUNS) number. The DUNS number must be included in the data entry field labeled "Organizational Duns" on the form SF-424. Instructions for obtaining a DUNS number can be found at the following website: http://www.grants.gov/GetStarted.EPA Disclaimer

c. Central Contractor Registry and Credential Provider Registration. In addition to having a DUNS number, applicants applying electronically through Grants.gov must register with the Federal Central Contractor Registry and with a Credential Provider. The http://www.grants.gov EPA Disclaimerwebsite at http://www.grants.gov/GetStarted EPA Disclaimer provides step-by-step instructions for registering in the Central Contractor Registry and for registering with a credential provider. All applicants filing electronically must register with the Central Contractor Registry and receive credentials from the Grants.gov credential provider in order to apply on line. Failure to register with the Central Contractor Registry and credential provider will result in your application being rejected by the Grants.gov portal.

The registration process is a separate process from submitting an application. Applicants are, therefore, encouraged to register early. The registration process can take approximately two weeks to be completed. Therefore, registration should be done in sufficient time to ensure it does not impact your ability to meet required submission deadlines. You will be able to submit your application online anytime after you receive your e-authentication credentials.

d. Electronic Signature. Applications submitted through Grants.gov constitute submission as electronically signed applications. The registration and e-authentication process establishes the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR). When you submit the application through Grants.gov, the name of your authorized organization representative on file will be inserted into the signature line of the application. Applicants must register the individual who is able to make legally binding commitments for the applicant organization as the Authorized Organization Representative.

3. Instructions on how to submit an electronic application to EPA via Grants.gov/Apply:

Grants.gov has a full set of instructions on how to apply for funds on its website at http://www.grants.gov/CompleteApplication. EPA Disclaimer The following provides simple guidance on what you will find on the Grants.gov/Apply site. Applicants are encouraged to read through the page entitled, "Complete Application Package" before getting started.

Grants.gov allows applicants to download the application package, instructions and forms that are incorporated in the instructions, and work off line. In addition to forms that are part of the application instructions, there will be a series of electronic forms that are provided utilizing a PureEdge reader.

a. PureEdge Reader. The PureEdge Reader is available free for download from the Grants.gov/Get Started site. The PureEdge Reader allows applicants to read the electronic files in a form format so that they will look like any other Standard or EPA form. The PureEdge forms have content sensitive help. To use this feature you will need to click on the icon at the top of the page that features an arrow with a question mark. This engages the content sensitive help for each field you will need to complete on the electronic form. The PureEdge forms can be downloaded and saved on your hard drive, network drive(s), or CDs. Macintosh Users will need to use the Virtual PC emulator software, which allows PC software to run on Macintosh platforms.

b. Mandatory Fields on PureEdge Forms. In the PureEdge forms you will note fields that will appear with a yellow background color on the data fields to be completed. These fields are mandatory fields and they must be completed to successfully submit your application.

c. Completion of SF-424 Fields First. The PureEdge forms are designed to fill in common required fields such as the applicant name and address, DUNS number, etc., on all PureEdge electronic forms. To trigger this feature, an applicant must complete the SF-424 information first. Once it is completed the information will transfer to the other forms.

d. Customer Support. The Grants.gov website provides customer support via
(800) 518-GRANTS (this is a toll-free number) or through e-mail at support@grants.gov. The customer support center is open from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, except federal holidays, to address Grants.gov technology issues. For technical assistance to program related questions, contact the number listed in the Program Section of the program you are applying for.

4. Timely Receipt Requirements and Proof of Timely Submission.

a. Electronic Submission. All applications must be received by http://www.grants.gov/Apply EPA Disclaimerby (insert time) Eastern time on the due date established for each program. Proof of timely submission is automatically recorded by Grants.gov.

An electronic time stamp is generated within the system when the application is successfully received by Grants.gov. The applicant will receive an acknowledgement of receipt and a tracking number from Grants.gov with the successful transmission of their application.

Applicants should print this receipt and save it, along with facsimile receipts for information provided by facsimile, as proof of timely submission. When EPA successfully retrieves the application from Grants.gov, Grants.gov will provide an electronic acknowledgment of receipt to the e-mail address of the AOR.Proof of Timely submission shall be the date and time that Grants.gov receives your application.

Applications received by Grants.gov, after the established due date for the program will be considered late and will not be considered for funding by EPA. EPA suggests that applicants submit their applications during the operating hours of the Grants.gov Support Desk, so that if there are questions concerning transmission, operators will be available to walk you through the process.

Submitting your application during the Support Desk hours will also ensure that you have sufficient time for the application to complete its transmission prior to the application deadline.

Applicants using dial-up connections should be aware that transmission should take some time before Grants.gov receives it. Grants.gov will provide either an error or a successfully received transmission message. The Grants.gov Support desk reports that some applicants abort the transmission because they think that nothing is occurring during the transmission process.

Please be patient and give the system time to process the application. Uploading and transmitting many files particularly electronic forms with associated XML schemas will take some time to be processed.

| Guide to Grants.gov Apply | What is Grants.gov and Why is EPA involved? | Benefits to EPA and the Public | EPA's use of Grants.gov Apply | Grants.gov Language that may be used in Announcement | Application is posted to Apply | Submitting an Application to Grants.gov Apply | How EPA Receives Application Packages submitted to Apply | IGMS EAPPLY Database Workflow | Grants.gov Apply Requirements Memo from Howard Corcoran | Return to the Grants and Debarment Home Page |

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