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NOAA Fisheries
Office of Sustainable Fisheries
sharkboat on waterschool of fishboat with net
Highly Migratory Species
Breaking News
Bycatch Reduction
Protected Species
Reporting Forms
Atlantic HMS Newslist
Federal Register Notices

Domestic Fisheries

Regulatory Services
Partnerships and Communications

Final Rules

NMFS Announces the Availability of the Consolidated HMS FMP and Final Rule Fax Notice and Federal Register Notice Oct 2, 2006

NMFS Announces Final Season Lengths and Quotas for the 2006 Second and Third Trimester Commercial Shark Fishery -- Fax Notice and Federal Register Notice March 31, 2006

2005 Final Initial Atlantic Bluefin Tuna Quotas and General Category Effort Controls, EA/RIR/FRFA June 8, 2005

Atlantic Commercial Shark Quotas and Fishing Season Notification for 2005 Second and Third Trimester Seasons Apr 25, 2005

Final Rule Implementing ICCAT Trade Measures Dec 6, 2004

Final Rule Vessel Monitoring Requirement for Atlantic Shark Fisheries Aug 17, 2004

Final Rule for Reduction of Sea Turtle Bycatch and Bycatch Mortality in the Pelagic Longline Fishery - Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement July 6, 2004

NMFS Announces Final Rule to Lift Atlantic Ocean Trade Restrictive Measures May 17, 2004

Final 2003 Quota Specifications, General Category Effort Controls, Permit Revisions, and Definition of the Management Boundary Area

Vessel Monitoring System Required for Pelagic Longline Vessels Effective September 1, 2003>>>Related Documents

Final Rule for Monitoring of Recreational Atlantic Billfish and Swordfish Fisheries

Final Rule regarding Charter/headboat and Recreational Fishing Permits

Final Rule to implement the recommendations from the ICCAT meeting of 2000

Final Rule to implement measures in the June 2001 Biological Opinion

Final Rule Atlantic Highly Migratory Species (HMS) Fisheries; Fishery Management Plan (FMP), Plan Amendment, and Consolidation of Regulations, FMPs and Compliance Guide ; Technical Amendment July 13, 1999

NMFS issued final regulations to prohibit pelagic longline fishing in DeSoto Canyon, FL East Coast, Charleston Bump and prohibited use of live bait in the Gulf of Mexico--pdf format >>Also see FSEIS and Bycatch

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