[Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer] Code 916


Latest Full Day Aerosol Index Image from OMI Latest Full Day Reflectivity Image from OMI

Aerosol Index

The image on the left represents absorbing aerosol particles (airborne microscopic dust/smoke) blowing out to sea from North Africa. The image on the right represents the cloud cover as seen by OMI for the same day and time as the aerosol image. For more details regarding the clouds, see our reflectivity page.

The data from TOMS record have been used increasingly to understand the behavior of this material within the atmosphere. The TOMS is the first instrument to allow observation of aerosols as the particles cross the land/sea boundary. Using these data it is possible to observe a wide range of phenomena such as desert dust storms, forest fires and biomass burning.

For a definition of aerosol index, click here.

We organize our data and image products by the dates a specific spacecraft returned data. Select from the buttons below to get images and data for the dates of interest.

Aerosol Optical Depth Data: Click here for information on the description and content of the (last updated on July 25, 2002) aerosol optical depth files.

March 2009 Special Note: The Level-3 gridded aerosol index data files for Nimbus-7, Earth Probe TOMS, and OMI were recently replaced. The new files now contain aerosol index values of 0.5 or greater only. Values less than 0.5 are now represented as 999 in the new files. Missing data are also represented as 999 as before.

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Today's Aerosols