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EPA Superfund Web Site The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administ...
NOAA's Coral Reef Conservation Program News News from the NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program...
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Strandley-Manning Site Tour A Superfund site on south Puget Sound in Washingto... (11 images)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Photos of OR&R in action during Hurricanes Katrina... (17 images)
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Assessing hazardous waste sites that threaten NOAA's trust resources.
Featured:Software & Data SetsPublicationsWeb Portals
Query Manager and MARPLOT An introduction to the Query Manager database and MARPLOT mapping applications, which are used extensively in NOAA's Coastal Protection and Restoration Division Watershed Projects.
Sediment Guidelines In order to more easily evaluate sediment contaminated with toxic chemicals, we have established some guidelines to determine ecological risk.

Software & Data Sets for Other Agencies supporting Assessing Risk to Ecological Resources Pages on our site that provide access to software created by the Office of Response and Restoration (OR&R) to aid first responders, planners, and restoration practitioners.
Query Manager and MARPLOT Applications, Data, and Maps
Query Manager allows users to select from a menu of pre-programmed queries that sort and analyze data.
GIS tool ARD GIS Tools (DRAFT)
ARD Tools is a collection of Database and GIS tools that NOAA's Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) has created to support the protection and restoration of coastal species and habitats. NOAA ARD and project partners can take advantage of these tools to support analysis, mapping and communication of complex spatial contaminant and restoration issues in a Watershed context.
GIS tool ARD GIS Tools
ARD Tools is a collection of Database and GIS tools that NOAA's Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) has created to support the protection and restoration of coastal species and habitats. NOAA ARD and project partners can take advantage of these tools to support analysis, mapping and communication of complex spatial contaminant and restoration issues in a Watershed context.
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Publications for Other Agencies about Assessing Risk to Ecological Resources Pages on our site that provide access to publications containing scientific information, field guides, and other material.
PCB Changes in Fish After Remediation of a Hazardous Waste Site
This poster presents results of assessing fish tissue PCB levels after remediation of a small Hudson River site.
ARD Technical Publications on Our Site
A list of documents (in PDF format), created by the Assessment and Restoration Division (ARD) of OR&R.
Coastal and Estuarine Hazardous Waste Site Reports
NOAA scientists have prepared review documents--the Coastal Hazardous Waste Site Reports.
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Web Portals for Other Agencies to sites about Assessing Risk to Ecological Resources Pages on our site that provide information about and access to Web sites of closely-related agencies and programs.
San Francisco Bay Subtidal Habitat Mapping Project Web Portal
This San Francisco Bay mapping project is a subset of the larger San Francisco Bay Watershed Database & Mapping Project.
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Current News: Other Agencies
New MARPLOT and ALOHA Released New versions of a NOAA/EPA mapping program and chemical hazard model are now available! (updated: March 30, 2009)
NEW CAMEO 2.0 and CAMEO Chemicals website New components of the CAMEO software suite are now available! (updated: February 12, 2009)
Of Special Note: Other Agencies
An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support A guidebook for oil and chemical spill responders, describing the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team (SST) can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
CAMEO Chemicals Database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards. Available in online and downloadable versions.
CAMEO Chemicals Web Portal Use the online version of CAMEO Chemicals to search for hazardous chemical datasheets, get response recommendations, and find out how chemicals would react if they mixed.
CAMEO Software Suite Programs List of CAMEO software suite programs that are designed to help people prepare for and respond to chemical emergencies.
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