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Electric Programs


Electric Programs >> Success Stories

Rural Development Electric Programs
and Jobs Created

According to USDA Economic Research Service (ERS) estimates, 23 jobs are created for every $1 million of Federal investment in electric infrastructure. Using a standard formula based on the U.S. Department of Commerce's Bureau of Economic Analysis, and accepted output and employment multipliers, the yearly advances for the USDA Rural Development's Electric Programs are estimated to create jobs as shown below:

Jobs Created: 1998 - 20310 jobs, 1999 - 16170 jobs, 2000 - 21600 jobs, 2001 - 45010 jobs, 2002 - 54349 jobs, 2003 - 68730 jobs

Examples of Local Successes
As a Result of the Partnership* Between USDA Rural Development Electric Programs and its Borrowers

*Note: Many of the examples were a result of the Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program (REDLG), which was originally implemented under the Rural Electrification Administration. After USDA reorganization in 1995, the REDLG was transferred to the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, also under the USDA Rural Development Mission Area. Electric Programs borrowers (as well as Telecommunications Programs borrowers) are eligible to receive funding for economic development, due to their status and financial standing as Utilities Programs borrowers.

Also, the USDA Rural Development's Utillities Programs do not directly finance many of the programs and activities listed, as they do not meet the criteria established by the Rural Electrification Act. However, without the support of the Utilities Programs, many of the borrowers would be unable to participate or actively support the community and economic development projects listed below. Without the active participation of borrowers in these efforts, many parts of rural America would not be participating in America's current economic revival. Improving the quality of life in rural America is a central theme that serves as a beacon to guide many Utilities Programs borrowers.

Select a state for detailed information

| Alabama | | Colorado | | Florida | | Georgia | | Hawaii |
| Illinois | | Indiana | | Iowa | | Kentucky | | Louisiana |
| Maryland | | Michigan | | Minnesota | | Mississippi | | Missouri |
| New Mexico | | North Carolina | | North Dakota | | South Carolina | | Tennessee |
| Texas | | Washington | | Wisconsin |    

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (2005 and 2006) Success Stories

Rural Development Utility Programs Electric Telecommunications Water & Evironmental