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Congratulatory message from President Ford

[EPA Journal - Nov./Dec. 1975]

October 17, 1975

The Honorable Russell E. Train
Environmental Protection Agency
Washington, D.C. 20460

Dear Russ:

I warmly congratulate you and all those associated with the Environmental Protection Agency on its fifth anniversary of important public service.

At the beginning of this decade, Americans made the achievement of a cleaner and healthier environment a matter of foremost national priority. The formation of the Agency was a major step forward in ensuring the fulfillment of this goal. We have made steady and substantial progress in this half-decade due in large part to the dedicated efforts of the Agency's employees and the cooperation of our states and local communities.

Looking ahead to the future and to the future and to the fresh challenges posed by our increasingly urban and industrial society, I am confident that EPA will further enhance its reputation and expand its constructive influence on our national life. The land, water, air and biological wealth of the United States belong to all of us. They need to be protected for the benefit of every American, both now and in the future. Each generation has stewardship of the environment for a brief time. And each generation has the sacred obligation to pass it on undamaged to the next.

This is the mandate of the Environmental Protection Agency. I know that it will continue to carry it forward with sensitivity and faithful devotion to the public trust.


Jerry Ford

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