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Location: U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center

Title: Aoac International Materials Community, Feed Nutrients Sub Group: Program of Work and Related Activities


Submitted to: Association Official Analytical Chemists Annual Intrl Meeting & Exposition
Publication Type: Abstract
Publication Acceptance Date: April 1, 2005
Publication Date: May 25, 2005
Citation: Mertens, D. R. 2005. AOAC INTERNATIONAL Materials Community, Feed Nutrients Sub Group: Program of Work and Related Activities. In: AOAC INTERNATIONAL Midwest Section Annual Meeting and Exposition Final Program. [Abstract 1108]. p. 53.

Technical Abstract: The Feed Nutrients Sub Group of the AOAC International Materials Community Task Force was developed to focus on methods needed for nutritive evaluation of feeds. In addition to the needs of regulatory agencies that monitor nutrient specifications on feed tags, there is a need for AOACI Official Methods that can generate reproducible results among commercial feed analysis laboratories and research institutions. Feeds are often bought and sold based on nutrient content and nutritional values are used routinely to formulate rations that improve animal health and performance and also minimize environmental contamination by excess nutrients in animal excreta. A review of current AOACI Official Methods for feed nutrients suggests that many methods are inadequate for current nutritional evaluation of feeds. To be useful, analytical methods must be both relevant and reproducible. Methods must measure attributes that are relevant for describing nutritional content or determining nutritional value and are relevant in formulating optimal rations. Nutritionists have a crucial role in determining the relevance of methods and the priority for developing them. Similarly, analytical chemists and members of AOACI have the most important role in developing and evaluating the reproducibility of methods for nutritional evaluation of feeds. Thus, members of AOACI and those outside of the organization must come together to set priorities and develop the methods needed by the feed and animal industries, the researchers who serve them, and the agencies that regulate them. Work has begun to identify individuals who can represent the inputs of the differ groups interested in nutritional evaluation of feeds and to develop questionnaires that can be used to set priorities and identify needed official methods. Discussion will focus on identifying needed methods, establishing a consensus on priorities, and developing a systematic plan for developing and evaluating the methods that are needed.


Project Team
Mertens, David
Muck, Richard
Martin, Neal
Broderick, Glen
Related National Programs
  Food Animal Production (101)
Last Modified: 05/12/2009
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