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Precision & Accuracy Data

The Air Quality System Precision & Accuracy Generator (AQSP&A) may be used to create AQS data input transactions for precision and accuracy data. This application works with the newer editions of Windows (2000, NT, XP).

AQSP&A is a stand-alone Excel workbook, intended to provide you with a simple way to create the two AQS data input transactions used for uploading accuracy data (transaction type RA) and precision data (transaction type RP). The transactions are created in the AQS format with vertical bar delimiters.

A User Guide (PDF) (14 pp, 87K, About PDF) for this approach is available from the "Manual and Guides" page.

A Powerpoint presentation file used for AQSP&A Internet training is available for download. This is a zipped file, approximately 3.7 MB, 103pp.

Download the file for the US EPA Region in which your agency resides, e.g., AQSP&A RO1 v8.6a.zip is the file for agencies in Region 1.  Each file unzips to an Excel workbook file.  (Refer to our " Tools" page if you need assistance with file types.)

Air Quality System Precision & Accuracy Transaction Generator (AQSP&A)

Region File Name File Size File Date
1 AQSP&A RO1 v8.6c.zip 1434K 04/01/09
2 AQSP&A RO2 v8.6c.zip 1354K 04/01/09
3 AQSP&A RO3 v8.6c.zip 1493K 04/01/09
4 AQSP&A RO4 v8.6c.zip 1723K 04/01/09
5 AQSP&A RO5 v8.6c.zip 1823K 04/01/09
6 AQSP&A RO6 v8.6c.zip 1594K 04/01/09
7 AQSP&A RO7 v8.6c.zip 1409K 04/01/09
8 AQSP&A RO8 v8.6c.zip 1498K 04/01/09
9 AQSP&A RO9 v8.6c.zip 1756K 04/01/09
10 AQSP&A RO10 v8.6c.zip 1368K 04/01/09

Release Notes: AQSPA Versions (PDF) (4 pp, 24K, About PDF)

AQS Frequent Questions | Technology Transfer Network | Air & Radiation

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