FIRE 6.25 Topics in this readme include INSTALLATION, DISPLAY, BROWSE, DETAIL, QUERY, SAVE, SORT, MOVE, EDIT, VIEW, and PRINT. INSTALLATION FIRE 6.25 is a 32-bit program can that run under Windows 95/98/ME or Windows NT/2000/XP. To install the FIRE software and data, first download the 5 MB FIRE625.EXE program file. Then run the installation program, which will ask you where to extract the FIRE system. The software and data will need 37 MB of free space. DISPLAY After starting FIRE, a tabular view of the FIRE database will be displayed in a BROWSE grid. To view details of the current record, click on the DETAIL tab. To go back to the tabular view, click on the BROWSE tab. Both the BROWSE and DETAIL views provide navigation and sorting of the database. To create a QUERY of the data, click on the QUERY tab. The remaining topics in this readme.txt file include BROWSE, DETAIL, QUERY, SAVE, SORT, MOVE, EDIT and VIEW. This information is also available as on-line help while running FIRE 6.25 and by clicking on the FIRE Help icon available in the FIRE 6.25 folder or program group after installation. BROWSE The Browse page contains a grid that displays the emission factors. The grid can be sorted in several orders. Move around in the grid by using the vertical scroll bar or by using the buttons and menu options. To view details of the current row, click on the Detail tab. To go back to the grid view, click on the Browse tab. The column widths and orders can be changed by clicking and dragging in the column title. Click on the Query tab to setup and run a query. The results of the query will automatically be displayed on the Browse page with the view set to show only the included rows of the current factors. The query results can be modified manually by double clicking or by pressing the space bar. The final results can be saved to a database file. To clear the included rows, use the Clear button from the toolbar. DETAIL Click on the Detail tab to view the details of the current record such as Reference and emission factor quality. From this page, you can change the sort order and move from record to record by using the buttons, the PgUp key, the PgDown Key, or by using menu options. Click on either the Browse tab to see the grid view of the emission factors, or click on the Query tab to setup and run a query to filter the records. QUERY The rows in the Browse grid can be filtered by SCC, pollutant, or control device. After clicking on the Query tab, click one of the SCC/POL/CTL buttons from the toolbar. These buttons will display a list of SCCs, pollutants or primary control devices in the grid. Click on the Code/Name buttons to sort by code (SCC code, CAS number, or control device code) or name (SCC description, pollutant name, or primary control device description) order. Alternatively, selecting the Sort menu while on the Query page will accomplish the same function. The column widths and orders can be changed by clicking and dragging in the column title. After sorting by pollutant, the grid will display pollutant synonyms and the pollutant preferred name. The preferred name is the one that is displayed with the emission factor in the Browse page. Including a synonym will automatically include all of its synonyms and the preferred name. Preferred names are displayed in bold navy blue, while synonyms are displayed in bold black. Only preferred names will be displayed after selecting View|Included Rows from the menu. To set the filter criteria, select the desired SCCs, pollutants and controls to be included in the the query. This can be done double clicking on the grid, pressing the space bar, or by using the Include button from the toolbar. If the current sort order is Code, then the Include button will select all those records beginning with the input value; if the sort order is Name, then the Include button will include those records containing the input value. Once all of the desired SCCs, pollutants and/or primary control devices have been selected, click the Run button from the toolbar to run the query. The results will automatically be displayed in the Browse page with the view set to included rows only. To clear the included rows, use the Clear button from the toolbar. Note: The Clear button will only clear those rows in the currently displayed grid. To clear all SCCs, pollutants and controls, first press the SCC button and press Clear, then press the POL button and press clear, then press the CTL button and press Clear. SORT The grid can be sorted by SCC code, SCC description, pollutant name, pollutant CAS number, primary control device code, or primary control device description. The sort order can be changed by selecting the Sort menu or by using the SCC/POL/CTL buttons from the toolbar. The SCC/POL/CTL buttons sort the grid in SCC, pollutant or primary control device order. The Code/Name buttons sort the grid in code (SCC code, CAS number, or control device code) or name (SCC description, pollutant name, or primary control device description) order. MOVE Moving around in the grid can be accomplished by pressing the arrow keys, pressing the PageUp/PageDown keys, using the vertical scroll bar, selecting the Move menu, or by using |<, <, >, >| buttons from the tool bar. The |<, <, >, >| buttons move to the top, previous, next or last row in the grid. Holding the mouse button down while on the previous or next button, will successively move to the previous or next record, respectively. The Go to... button moves to the desired SCC, pollutant or control device depending on the sort order. After typing the desired SCC, pollutant or control device in the Go To dialog window, press OK to move to the row that begins with the entered value. Note: After pressing the Go To button while on the Browse page with the grid sorted by SCC/Name, you will be prompted with "Go To SCC Description BEGINNING with..." in a dialog window. Enter all or a portion of the desired SCC description. The Go To button will move to an emission factor row with an SCC Description that has the next closest match to the entered value. You must look at the SCC description below the grid to verify the results of the Go To action. For example, if you enter External and press OK the row pointer will move to the first emission factor with an SCC description of External Combustion Boiler. If you enter Fuel, the current row will be the first emission factor with an SCC description of Internal Combustion Boiler. Since there is no SCC description beginning with Fuel, it moves to the next closest match alphabetically. VIEW The Browse, Detail, or the Query page can be displayed by selecting the View|Browse Page, View|Detail Page, View|Query Page, respectively, from the menu, or by clicking on the appropriate tab. The records viewed in the grid can be changed by selecting the View menu or by using the the toolbar to toggle between viewing all of the records in the grid or just the selected rows. While viewing the Browse page, revoked emission factors can be displayed in the grid by selecting View|Current and Old Factors from the menu. Select View|Current Factors Only from the menu to view only non-revoked factors. Revoked factors are typically those that have been replaced by a more recently developed factor. Current records will be displayed in black, while Revoked records will be light gray. Current included records will be displayed in bold navy blue. EDIT Select Edit|Include... from the menu, or click the Include button on the toolbar, to select a group of records. If the current sort order is Code, then the Include... button will select all those records beginning with the input value; if the sort order is Name, then the Include... button will include those records containing the input value. On the Query Page, once all of the desired SCCs, pollutants and/or primary control devices have been selected, choose Edit|Run Query from the menu, or click the Run button from the toolbar to run the query. The results will automatically be displayed in the Browse page. To clear the included rows, select Edit|Clear from the menu or click the Clear button from the toolbar. NOTE: Clear will only clear those rows in the currently displayed grid. To clear all SCCs, pollutants and controls, first press the SCC button and press Clear, then press the POL button and press clear, then press the CTL button and press Clear. SAVE Records can be saved to a database file or to an ASCII text file for use in other programs. Most modern spread sheet programs can open a database or an ASCII text file. To save records to a file, select the File|Save menu. You will be prompted for the name of the output file. A file name with a .TXT extension will result in a ASCII text file; a file name with a .DBF extension will be saved in database format. If no records are currently selected, a dialog window will be displayed asking if the all rows in the grid should be saved. The records will be saved in the output file in the current sort order of the Browse grid. The number of rows copied will be displayed on the status bar. The first row of the ASCII text file contains the field names. The fields are comma delimited. PRINT The Detail page can be printed by selecting the File|Print menu. You may choose to print the Current Record, the included records, or all of the records. If printing the included records, the view will automatically be changed to display only the included rows. The rows will be printed in the current sort order of the Browse grid. Each record will be printed on a separate page. Use the SETUP button on the print dialog window to change the printer. To print to a file, check the "Print to File" box. After pressing OK, you will be prompted for the name of the output file if the "Print to File" box was checked.