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Environmental Justice Bibliography

The Environmental Justice Bibliography Database (EJBib) is an project that unites the growing interest in environmental justice with the advantages of computer technology. EJBib is a fully-indexed bibliography of published materials relating to environmental justice, as well as such related topics as risk assessment and social justice. Intended as a research tool, the database is a project of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Environmental Justice. One aim of the bibliography is to identify significant references to environmental justice in a wide range of literature.

The bibiography already contains more than 3000 references and is still growing. Currently, materials included in EJBib come from various Internet databases of legal, medical, engineering, urban planning, and science periodical articles and books, as well as materials in non-print formats, such as documentary videos, interactive programs on CD-ROM, and other electronic media.

To comment, correct errors, or add citations to the database, use the "feedback" link in the site navigation box on any of the EJBib online pages.

There are two ways to access EJBib: as an online, searchable database or as a downloadable database that is accessible offline. Either method can be accessed using the links below:

To seach the online database, go to EJBib online. This is searchable database, where seaches can be made using any combination of numerous criteria.


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