NOAA Fisheries Feature

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Reauthorized

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Public Comments on Environmental Review Procedures

In response to public interest in the comments on NOAA Fisheries' 10 trigger questions on the the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the CCC Subcommittee's Strawman, we are posting the content of all comments received. NOAA received approximately 1,660 comments at the site prior to the April 20, 2007 deadline. Most of these were identical form letters. This site posts one sample of the form letter and each of the additional individual submissions. They include letters from the following groups:

1. Group Letter 1: a letter signed by 6 environmental organizations addressing the trigger questions (Conservation Law Foundation, Earthjustice, NRDC, National Environmental Trust, Ocean Conservancy, and Oceana)

2. Group Letter 2: a letter signed by 10 environmental groups addressing the CCC's Strawman (Earthjustice, Oceana, NRDC, Pacific Marine Conservation Council, Center for Biological Diversity, National Audubon Society, Conservation Law Foundation, Ocean Conservancy, and the National Environmental Trust)

3. Fisheries Survival Fund

4. Marine Conservation Alliance

5. Pacific Marine Conservation Council

6. Marine Fish Conservation Network

7. State of Alaska

8. New England Aquarium

9. A Sample of the Form Letter

10. Comments from the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council

11. Comments from the Pacific Fishery Management Council

12. Comments from the North Pacific Fishery Management Council

In addition, Congressman Nick Rahall, Chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources, provided his comments on this issue. A copy of that letter is posted as well.


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