NOAA Fisheries Feature

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Reauthorized

MSRA Reauthorization Details
Annual Catch Limits
Marine Recreational Information Program
National Environmental Policy Act
Limited Access Privilege Programs
International Provisions
Deep-Sea Corals
Other Provisions

Other Provisions

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006 calls for renewed efforts to end overfishing, increase use of market-based management tools, and apply ecosystem approaches to management.

The law:

  • establishes a firm deadline to end overfishing;
  • authorizes the use of market-based limited access privilege programs;
  • requires establishment of a regionally based registry for recreational fishermen;
  • strengthens fisheries enforcement;
  • authorize the Secretary to provide assistance to the Regional Fishery Management Councils for development of regional ecosystem pilot programs; and
  • establishes Community Based Restoration Programs that utilize public-private partnerships to restore fishery and coastal habitat, in line with the President’s Cooperative Conservation Agenda.

This legislation is an important step for the United States to continue our rebuilding efforts of the nation’s fisheries. This act will allow our fishers to utilize all of the tools that are available, so their fishing businesses can operate safely and economically.

Council Multi-Year Research Plans New banner

The Councils have developed, in conjunction with the SSCs, multi-year research priorities for fisheries, fisheries interactions, habitats, and other areas of research that are necessary for management purposes, for 5-year periods. These research priorities are to be updated as necessary and submitted to the Secretary and NMFS regional science centers for consideration in developing research priorities and budgets for the region of the Council.

Below are the research plans for each Council. Click on the Council name to visit their website.

Council SOPPs

  • NMFS proposes changes to the regulations that address the operations and administration of regional fishery management councils (Councils). The regulatory changes are needed to implement amendments to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act that, among other things, govern the Council Coordination Committee, expand the role of the Councils’ Scientific and Statistical Committee (SSC), require that SSC members disclose their financial interests, and provide for training of Council members and staff.  Additionally, the proposed rule would make changes to the regulations requiring Councils to provide procedures for proposed regulations, clarifying restrictions on lobbying, and clarifying timing in the Council member nomination process. The proposed rule would also make technical and minor corrections to the regulations unrelated to the most recent Magnuson-Stevens Act amendments. Written comments must be received no later than 5 p.m. e.d.t. on July 6, 2009.  Click here to read the proposed rule.New banner

Disaster Assistance

  • NMFS proposes regulations to govern the requests for determinations of fishery resource disasters as a basis for acquiring potential disaster assistance. The regulations would establish definitions, and characteristics of commercial fishery failures, fishery resource disasters, serious disruptions affecting future production, and harm incurred by fishermen, as well as requirements for initiating a review by NMFS, and the administrative process it will follow in processing such applications. Comments must be submitted in writing on or before April 20, 2009. Click here for the proposed rule. Click here to see the extension of the comment period. New banner
  • NMFS requested comments in January, 2008, on fisheries disaster assistance

IFQ Referenda Guidelines

Technical Changes

  • On November 17, 2008 (73 FR 67809), NMFS issued minor changes to update regulations amended by the Magnuson-Stevens Reauthorization Act of 2006. These changes resolve inconsistencies in language between the Act and codified text. These changes are effective November 17, 2008, and can be viewed here.

Fishery Science Degrees

  • The National Marine Fisheries Service has presented a Report to Congress on the results of a study whether there is a shortage in the number of people pursuing and obtaining higher education in fishery science who have the ability to conduct high quality research in fishery population dynamics, stock assessments and related fields. This study includes important conclusions for the future of higher education and fisheries management. For this study and related information, click here

Community-Based Habitat Restoration Program

Data Sharing

Peer Review

Disclosure of Financal Interest and Recusal

Bycatch Reduction and Engineering Program

Hurricane Impacts

Exempted Fishing Activities

Excess Harvesting Capacity

Council Training

Actions by the Councils and Regions

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