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Agricultural Research Magazine

September 2000 - Vol. 48, No. 9

You'll find Agricultural Research magazine full text articles on this server in HTML (HyperText Markup Language) or in PDF (Portable Document Format). If you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader for pdf files, click here: Get Adobe Acrobat Reader

Table of Contents

Horticultural Research: It's a Growing Process (html) or (pdf)

Curbing Pests in Hawaii's Ornamental Paradise (html) or (pdf)

Potatoes' Resistance to Late Blight May Be in Their Mexican Genes (html) or (pdf)

Blissful Blueberries (html) or (pdf)

Pomological Watercolors: A Wealth of Beauty and Detail (html) or (pdf)

Transgenics for a Better Tomato (html) or (pdf)

Rotate to Prevent Replant? (html) or (pdf)

Locate Outstanding Woody Ornamentals—Online (html) or (pdf)

Bringing You Better Beans (html) or (pdf)

Science Update (html) or (pdf)
Pest's Peptides Could Cramp Its Style;
Vetch-a-Matic Beetle Control;
For Better Surface Water Quality, Dig Ditches;
Better Retting for a Fledging Flax Industry;

Last Modified: 01/07/2002
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