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Glossary of Docket-Related Terms

Comment: A written expression of an opinion or attitude by a member of the public to a government agency about a rulemaking or other action.

Code Federal Regulations (CFR): The codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the executive departments and agencies of the federal government. Access the CFR online.

Docket: A collection of documents related to a rulemaking or other action. More information on dockets at Regulations.gov.

Docket ID: Unique identifier established for a docket

Document: A term that includes rules, proposed rules, notices, supporting and related materials, public submissions

Executive Order: Official documents, numbered consecutively, through which the President of the United States manages the operations of the federal government. More information on Executive Orders relevant to environmental protection.

Federal Register (FR): The official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents. Access the FR online.

Good Guidance Documents: A statement of clear and consistent agency practices for developing, issuing, and using guidance documents. More information on Good Guidance.

Information Collection Request (ICR): A set of documents that describe reporting, record keeping, survey, or other information collection requirements imposed on the public by the EPA or any other federal agency. More information on ICRs.

Non-Rulemaking: Any Agency process or action that does not involve the formulation, amendment or repeal of a regulation.

Rule/Regulation: An authoritative requirement issued by a federal department or agency that implements a statute and has the force of law.

Rulemaking: The name given to the process followed by federal departments and agencies to formulate, amend, or repeal a regulation.


For an expanded list of terms commonly in Federal Register notices or other docket materials, please see the Regulations.gov Glossary.

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