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Other NPS Outreach Collections

NOTICE: Links to non-EPA sites do not imply any official EPA endorsement of, or responsibility for, the opinions, ideas, data or products presented at those locations, or guarantee the validity of the information provided. Links to non-EPA servers are provided solely as a pointer to information on topics related to environmental protection that may be useful to EPA staff and the public. Exit EPA Site

Name Description
California Storm Water Toolbox Free multilingual outreach and education materials to encourage residents and other stakeholders to "become part of the pollution solution."
California Stormwater Quality Association Outreach Materials Resource Library Storm water public education and outreach materials from municipalities throughout California.
City of Caspar, Wyoming Public Outreach on NPS Pollution Scripts of public service announcements on stormwater pollution from urban sources.
City of Los Angeles Stormwater Program Educational Materials Outreach materials from the City's stormwater program available for downloading
Colorado Online Database of Outreach Materials Information for and about the Colorado NPS Program.
Commonwealth Water Education Project Educational materials to improve nonpoint source pollution knowledge of Kentucky residents
Earth 911 Earth 911 provides community-specific environmental information as well as a catalog of PSAs on a variety of environmental topics.
Environmental Health Center, a Division of the National Safety Council Radio PSAs in the Environminute series, including "Dirty Runoff".
Florida Stormwater Education Toolkit A series of education products targeted to three audience categories: general public, government and business, and youth.
National Small Flows Clearinghouse Manuals, booklets, and brochures with a focus on septics.
North Carolina Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources Stormwater Outreach Toolkit This toolkit provides information or links on awareness and outreach, creating a campaign, audience data, free content, outreach guidance, and other resources.
University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Outreach publications on topics like Home and Garden Clean Water Practices, Stormwater Runoff, Shoreland and Habitat Management and Volunteer Monitoring.
Washington State Compilation of Outreach Materials A tool developed for Northwest environmental educators to be able to find outstanding products related to nonpoint water pollution.

Other U.S. EPA Outreach Resources

Name Description
After the Storm 1/2 hour television program about watersheds coproduced by The Weather Channel and EPA. Order VHS, DVDs, or broadcast quality tapes.
Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents A collection of customizable electronic files of outreach materials produced by EPA for industrial facilities, construction sites, and communities with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s).
Stormwater Phase II Rule: Public Education Minimum Measures Resources from the stormwater menu of BMPs to educate communities on stormwater pollution.
EPA Stormwater Case Studies A series of case studies to help Phase II municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) get started on or improve their stormwater management programs.

Resources Geared to Agricultural Producers

Name Description
A Farmer's Guide To Agriculture and Water Quality Issues Outreach materials produced with support from the USDA-CSREES, the U.S. EPA's National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center, and North Carolina State University Cooperative Extension.
National Agriculture Compliance Assistance Center Pollution Prevention, Best Management Practices and Conservation informational brochures, including a series of brochures on environmental stewardship geared to producers by agricultural sector, e.g., swine, poultry, etc.
Conservation Technology Information Center. CORE4 Program Conservation for Agriculture’s Future Includes a variety of resources for the agricultural community on understanding environment-economics-production linkages. Paper brochures may be downloaded on the topics of:
Conservation Tillage, Nutrient Management, Weed and Pest Management, and Conservation Buffers.
University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension Farmland Management Publications With materials on cattle management, pastures, manure, and buffers, this is an ideal set of publications for conservation-minded agricultural producers.


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