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October 22, 2008

  1. Alliance Background

    Date Signed.

    May 30, 2007

    Alliance Overview.

    Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding’s New Orleans (NGSB-NO) Operations and the New Orleans Metals Trades Council (NOTMC) – the collective bargaining agent representing many of its 5,200 employees.

    Turning steel into ships that sail on the sea is a dangerous construction endeavor. Large powerful equipment is needed and workers perform jobs at high elevations. These types of environments result in many serious hazards such as electrocutions, caught-between, struck-by and falls. The purpose of this alliance is to explore ways to expand current efforts to change the safety culture and engage all employees in the process.

    Implementation Team Members.

    David Pivarnik, EH&S Director; Richard Tigert, Safety Engineer OHST;
    Murv Granderson, Safety Manager EH&S Department;
    Bruce Williams, President New Orleans Metal Trade Council, Local #2350;
    Tim Hammerstone, Sector Manager/Safety;
    Alex Novas, OSHA-BRAO/CAS

  2. Implementation Team Meetings

    NGSS-OSHA Alliance meetings held at NGSS New Orleans facility:
    July 12, 2007, October 18, 2007, January 17, 2008, April 24, 2008

  3. Activities and Products

    Evaluation Period.

    May 30, 2007 - May 30, 2008

    Alliance Activity.

    Quarterly meetings were conducted with the implementation team, consisting of open discussions/brainstorming sessions, in order to meet established goals that would best serve promote and effect a change in the safety culture at the facility.
    • Focused Communications on the value added through enhancing an Environmental, Health and Safety culture with an emphasis on periodic reminders.
    • Leadership Buy-In down through line foreman.
    • Peer To Peer Initiative, "Why I Work Safely". (EH&S Action Teams to solicit reasons from fellow employees.), and communicate throughout facilities.
    Alliance Products.
    •  "Why I Work Safely" banner campaign (see Section IV, paragraphs 2-3).

  4. Results
    1. During the Alliance the site’s TCIR has fallen from 8.2 to its current rate of 6.6. The latter figure is 36% below the BLS industry average of 10.3 per 100 workers (2006, the last year for which numbers are available).

      As a direct result of its Alliance with OSHA and the NOMTC, NGSB-NO launched a "Why I Work Safely" campaign in which employees render personal testaments about their reasons for safe job performance. Banners depicting employees holding photographs of family members now adorn the shipyard.

      These images are captioned in their own words, explaining that safety is important not only to them, but also the ones whom they love and who love them. Many employees, in fact, took advantage of this campaign to have personal photographs reproduced onto the flip side of their "STOP is Good Progress" safety badges. This serves as a continuous and ready reminder of the necessity of safe job performance.

    Type of Activity (Conference, Training, Print and Electronic Distribution, etc.) Number of Individuals Reached or Trained
    Safety Culture Initiative, "Why I Work Safely" banner campaign 5,200 employees
    TOTAL 5,200 employees

  5. Upcoming Milestones

    Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding New Orleans assisted its satellite facility in Tallulah, Louisiana in preparing to achieve Voluntary Protection Program "Star" certification in 2007. NGSB-NO is slated for VPP evaluation in late 2008, and, using some of the tools gained from the Alliance, hopes to join the Tallulah Facility as the only "Star" shipyards in Louisiana.

Report Prepared by: Alex Novas
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Page last updated: 11/13/2008