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Local Government

About this sector

This sector consists of units of local government that must comply with environmental requirements during their daily operations and while providing services to their residents. The Department of Commerce formerly classified a number of activities in this sector under the 1987 Standard Industrial Classification codes 4941, 4952, 4953, 4959, 9411, 9511, 9512, and 9651; the sector is now classified under the 1997 North American Industry Classification SystemExit EPA Disclaimer as 22131, 22132, 56221, 488119, 561, 562, 92311, 9241 and 9261.

Additional Compliance Assistance information is provided based by statute (e.g. Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act) or through compliance incentives and auditing. Note that multiple statutes may apply to your entity. Information on EPA's compliance monitoring program also is organized by statutory programs. All regulated entities may be subject to EPA's statutory and civil enforcement program.

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Tools and information on how to comply

The following list of resources focuses on federal regulations and is not exhaustive. Additional resources may be available from other parts of EPA or from other federal, state or local agencies.

The Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN)Exit EPA Disclaimer is a "first-stop shop" providing environmental management, planning, funding, and regulatory information for local government elected and appointed officials, managers and staff.  LGEAN enables local officials to interact with their peers and others online. 

The Profile of the Local Government Operations Sector Notebook is a plain language booklet that describe environmental problems associated with local governments. Information includes, but is not limited to, regulatory requirements, pollution prevention techniques, pollutant release data and innovative programs.

National Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse links to public and private compliance assistance materials. Users may post documents and interact with assistance providers, both within and outside of EPA. The Clearinghouse allows users to search for relevant material on new and existing regulations, pollution prevention opportunities, and voluntary programs that were created by other parts of EPA, other federal agencies, tribes, states and local agencies, industry and other organizations.

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Local Government Sector Highlights

Sector Notebooks

Compliance Assistance Center

Compliance Assistance Clearinghouse

Local Government Information Resources

Compliance Assistance | Compliance Monitoring | Compliance Incentives


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