American chamber of commerce in Czech republic
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Welcome on the web site of AmCham CR - the most active business chamber in the Czech Republic

activities scheduleRSS

12 May
Jazz Evening with Miriam Bayle , May 12, 2009

Žofín Garden, Slovanský ostrov 226, Prague 1, 18:30

15 May
HR Committee, May 15, 2009

AmCham offices, Dušní 10, Prague 1, 09:00

20 May
GM Breakfast - informal meeting for General Mangers - CAPACITY is Full, May 20, 2009

Diplomat Hotel****Prague - Evropská 15, Praha 6, 08:00

Legal ReformRSS

May 06, 2009

New Tax Procedural Code discussed in Parliament

After two previous attempts, the Parliament finally discussed new draft Tax Procedural Code in its first reading last week and agreed to send the bill proposal to its Budget Committee. A shortened 30 day period for its consideration was also agreed.

April 24, 2009

Draft Amendment to Building Act

The Regional Development Ministry has drafted and sent out for a commentary round the extensive Building Act Amendment. The draft amendment mainly aims at eliminating existing interpretation and application problems, rationalizing effective planning permit procedure and generally proposes reduction of existing administrative burdens.

April 23, 2009

AmCham Commenting on the Governmental Amendment to the Labor Code

Today, AmCham sent a position paper summarizing its comments to the amendment to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs...

April 20, 2009

Accelerated Depreciation

The Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies has interrupted consideration of the proposed changes to the Income Tax Act that should accelerate depreciation in the first and second depreciation groups. Discussion on the part of the anti-crisis package will resume again on April 29.

April 07, 2009

PWC, Deloitte and AmCham Discussing Visas with Foreign Police and Work Offices

PWC, Deloitte and AmCham co-organized a roundtable on problematic visa issues that featured Foreign Police, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and several work offices representatives...


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Economic DevelopmentRSS

April 29, 2009

Committee on Business-Academic Cooperation met on April 21st

Click on the title to see Minutes

April 14, 2009

The May-June 2009 issue of Commercial News USA is now online

Official Export Promotion Magazine of the U.S. Department of Commerce

Click here to download.




April 08, 2009

2009 Czech Competitiveness Report

The Council on Czech Competitiveness presents the 1st annual Competitiveness Report, a groundbreaking index of the country’s performance within Central Europe and among its fellow EU economies. You can click here to access a Czech or English version.

March 26, 2009

Manufacturing Committee met on March 24th

To see Minutes from the meeting click on the title.

March 19, 2009

AmCham HR Committee met on March 13th

To see Minutes from the meeting click on the title.

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April 30, 2009

Paid Advert

April 29, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

U.S. Embassy Prague invites you to participate in the upcoming Green Building and Energy Efficiency events.

April 21, 2009

Transatlantic Economic Council

The platform for tackling barriers in the EU – USA trade relations


American Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic

Dušní­ 10
110 00 Praha 1
Tel: (420) 222-329-430
Fax: (420) 222-329-433