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Stormwater Management at EPA Headquarters

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   Six 1,000-Gallon Cisterns Installed at EPA West Building

The Ariel Rios South Building Courtyard project is part of a larger effort to beautify the EPA Headquarters complex and also demonstrate more environmentally sound building and landscaping techniques. The Facilities Management and Services Division in the Office of Administration and Resources Management, the Office of Water and the General Services Administration have been working on a plan to exhibit stormwater management techniques, sustainable design and low impact development (LID) at the Federal Triangle complex. We hope that this plan will serve as a model for the federal community and will demonstrate many of the practices that can be employed to mitigate the effects of stormwater runoff and reduce combined sewer overflows into our rivers, streams and coastal waters. It will also demonstrate that sustainable design and LID can be utilized in high profile, urban sites that must pass through rigorous aesthetic design reviews. Some of the techniques that we are demonstrating include: Cistern used to collect and reuse runoff and permeable pavers and recycled granite curb used as a bench in the Ariel Rios South Courtyard.

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Demonstration Project Details

EPA Headquarters is located as part of the larger Federal Triangle Complex (PDF) (1 pg, 135K, About PDFs) in downtown Washington. The demonstration project involves three sites:

Ariel Rios South Courtyard
Overhead view of Ariel Rios South Courtyard At the Federal Triangle Complex's eastern end, the Ariel Rios South Courtyard (PDF) (1 pg, 135K, About PDFs) features two biofilters (often called rain gardens) and permeable concrete and permeable pavers, which allow stormwater to filter into the ground rather than wash off the surface and into storm drains and combined sewers. In addition, the South Courtyard has a cistern to recycle stormwater for irrigation. Sustainable planting is also included in the courtyard landscape. Plants take up stormwater and provide valuable wildlife habitat. Other sustainable best management practices include reuse of an historic granite curb as a bench, recycled farm tool plant signs, and recycled glass in the cistern cover and artwork.

Federal Triangle map - click to open PDF version
Click for PDF version of large map of Federal Triangle Complex

EPA Ariel Rios South Courtyard - click to open PDF version
Click for PDF version of larger view of Ariel Rios South Courtyard

Constitution Avenue
Bioretention cell in front of EPA Headquarters West Building on Constitution Ave. The south end of the Federal Triangle Complex is bordered by Constitution Avenue, 12th Street, and 14th Street. Four additional rain gardens are located here (PDF). (1 pg, 135K, About PDFs)

West Building Parking Garage
Stormwater runoff is being diverted from the EPA West building roof into six 1000 gallon cisterns located in the below grade parking garage (PDF). (1 pg, 45K, About PDFs)-- located at 14th Street and Constitution Avenue. Cistern water is being used to irrigate the West BuildingĀ“s Constitution Avenue planting beds and grass.
Click here. (1 pg, 45K, About PDFs) to read a copy of the sign posted next to the cisterns in the basement of EPA West.
Photo of six, 1000 gallon cisterns in basement of EPA West.

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Constitution Avenue diagram - click to open PDF version
Click for PDF version of larger view of Constitution Avenue diagram

West Building garage cisterns - click to open PDF version
Click for PDF version of larger view of West Building Parking Garage Cisterns

Awards for Demonstration Project

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Project Partners

This demonstration project is a collaborative effort involving EPA´s Office of Water, the Facilities Management Division of EPA´s Office of Administration and Resources Management, and the General Services Administration. Other partners joined as this project evolved, including the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts, the National Capital Planning Commission, the DC Water and Sewer Authority, and a variety of contractors.

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Viewing the Demonstration Project

If you are interested in more information on the demonstration project or a tour, please contact

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