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Comments - Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators

EPA welcomes your comments on the Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators. We strive to respond to every comment with an answer or an appropriate referral as quickly as possible.

Separate contact information is available for Healthy School Environments and the Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign (SC3) if you wish to send comments or questions about either of those programs.

Contact information for the Chemical Management Resource Guide for School Administrators.

You may contact us by telephone, e-mail, regular mail or by using the Contact Form. Please help us answer your request by including your correct e-mail address. If you are referring to a specific page within EPA's web site, please include a URL or title for the page. If your browser doesn't support forms, you can e-mail your comment to us at oppt.homepage@epa.gov.

By telephone:
(202) 566-0500
(202) 566-0469 (fax)

By Email:
mosby.jackie@epa.gov or

Regular Mail Address:
Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxics
National Program Chemicals Division
Mail Code 7404T
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460

Contact Form

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