USGS - science for a changing world

North Dakota Water Science Center

06329500 Yellowstone River near Sidney MT

Flood tracking chart for 06329500 Yellowstone River near Sidney MT

To use the above flood tracking chart for a particular property near the Yellowstone River near Sidney MT gaging station:

  1. Determine the approximate elevation above sea level of the property.
  2. Convert the current stage to sea level using a sea level conversion factor of 1881.30 feet for this particular gage:
        6.66 + 1881.30 = 1887.96 feet.
  3. Compare the sea level in 2 to the elevation of the property to immediately know if the property has an impending threat of flooding.

Because the surface of flowing water is not flat and has a slope, the water-surface elevation near a threatened property might not be the same as the river stage at the gaging station.

Additional information for this gaging station

A History of Flooding in the Red River Basin Poster
10th Anniversary of the 1997 Red River Flood Poster

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Page Last Modified: Saturday, 09-May-2009 00:25:43 EDT
Menlo Park, CA [caww51]