BUYUSA.GOV -- U.S. Commercial Service

Czech Republic Local time: 04:35 PM


What do our clients say - SCP

March 2009; SCP NPES

"We found the U.S. export promotion services of USCS-Prague--Greg O'Connor and Zdenek Svoboda--to be excellent, exceeding our highest expectations. As a result of their services, we expect a considerable amount of new export business to be generated for our member companies--300 small and medium size manufacturers--of NPES, the U.S. printing and publishing equipment and supplies trade association. Our kudos to them for a job well done!" Michael Hurley NPES Director, International Trade

March 2009; SCP Transitions Networks

"Dear Luda...I am just writing to thank for your assistence and help in arranging and organising this event for us.The event was excellent and that is really appreciated..." Robert Harlow, Transition Networks

January 2008; SCP Nalico CZ

“The reception clearly was a wonderful idea – I wish that we could take credit for it!  We have successfully established over a dozen meetings with companies and have dozens more still to set up.  So, although it is still early to properly gauge the complete effectiveness of the event, it is clear that it has provided us with enormous and valuable early traction.”   James E. Fuller, Managing Director, Nalico CZ

October 2007; SCP MIOX Corporation

"Not only was the facility superb, but our Ambassador was extremely gracious and supportive of US business. The US Commercial Service has done a fantastic job in helping our company and our Czech distributor present our product to a well qualified audience." Radi Simeonova, MIOX Corporation