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Welcome to Open Repository

Open Repository is a service from BioMed Central to build, launch, host and maintain institutional repositories for organisations. Built upon the latest DSpace repository software the service has been designed to be flexible and cost-effective. BioMed Central's economy of scale makes it possible for organisations that could not otherwise afford to, or lack the infrastructure or technical capacity in-house to run their own repositories.

What does OR offer?

Flash animated introduction to Open Repository
Our presentation takes only 5 minutes and will give you a complete overview of all the features and benefits that the service has to offer.
Five minute demo

Why Choose OR?

Flexible pricing and service levels
Open Repository is highly flexible and offers a number of different levels of service, to fit with a university or organisation’s requirements.

Cost effective and rapid deployment
Building and hosting an institutional repository can be a major operational challenge for an institution. Open Repository allows organisations to quickly set up and run an industry-standard DSpace repository with minimal effort and investment in manpower and cost.

Ownership and control retained by customer
At all times the customer retains ownership of the repository. Open Repository is built using Open Source technology platform: DSpace and allows institutions to migrate to their own in-house DSpace repository to take over its operation and maintenance.

Permanent preservation
This unique service offers the perfect solution to organize and preserve publications, allowing institutions to prepare for the next generation of digital scholars, showcase their intellectual output and therefore raise the profile of the institution and increase the impact of their research.

Showcase and exposure of organisation's intellectual output
Open Repository is personalized with an organization’s logo and colours making it possible to promote and showcase the full intellectual output from the organization. Theses, databases, subscription journal articles and movies which otherwise would remain inaccessible or costly to obtain can be uploaded and made fully accessible. Content is fully openly accessible which allows an organization to share their intellectual output without restriction with a global audience. Both authors and authors’ departments can enjoy increased exposure and impact for their research, leading to a rise in profile and greater recognition by peers and funders.

This Internet Site is operated by BioMed Central Limited, a company registered in England and Wales with Company Number 3680030, with its registered office at Floor 6, 236 Gray's Inn Road, London, WC1X 8HL and having VAT number GB 823 8263 26.
Part of Springer Science+Business Media