“Ideas for Development” is an international Blog meant to stimulate debate on development issues. It brings together a set of senior professionals engaged in this sphere through their careers and personal convictions. This Blog aims at offering a new forum for open discussion and interaction between scholars, students, professionals of various backgrounds and the public at large. Together, they can share information, viewpoints and visions for the future with the common goal of advancing the cause of development.

Latest posts

Can capitalism deal with externalities?

Author : Rajendra Kumar Pachauri

Date : May 4th, 2009

Last comment the : 5 May-09

The recent economic downturn has led to several voices round the world questioning the merits and effectiveness of capitalism as an economic system to promote the general welfare of human society.

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From official development assistance to the financing of global public policies

Author : Jean-Michel Severino

Date : March 30th, 2009

Last comment the : 28 Apr-09

Dear bloggers,
I would like to share with you some of the reflections of an article my colleague Olivier Ray and I just published in the Center for Global Development’s working papers (accessible here), as they fit nicely in the mandate of this blog - i.e. ‘sharing information, viewpoints and visions for the future with the [...]

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While The World Fights Recession, Let Us Not Forget Climate Change

Author : Kemal Dervis

Date : February 11th, 2009

Last comment the : 10 Apr-09

The link between human activity and climate change is established. There is uncertainty as to how exactly the physical processes that mediate between greenhouse gases emissions and changes to our planet’s climate will unfold, but these processes are not easy to reverse, and may even be irreversible. Catastrophic effects are possible in the long-run and [...]

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Solidarity, safety and regulations

Author : Abdou Diouf

Date : February 5th, 2009

Last comment the : 27 Apr-09

The collection and distribution of unwanted, but still-usable goods is one of the many ways in which the populations of the North demonstrate solidarity with those of the South. This discreet flow of aid has an immediate impact and is appreciated by the beneficiaries. However, it is not held in great esteem, is badly quantified [...]

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Can we manage this crisis differently? Bailing out the poor, not just the banks

Author : Minouche Shafik

Date : January 26th, 2009

Last comment the : 4 May-09

In every economic crisis, it is the poor that suffer the most. Whether it is individuals or countries, they are the most vulnerable and lack the savings and the institutions to support them during difficult times. In past crises, we have focused too late on adverse effects on poor people. Can we do it differently [...]

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The nutrition challenge and what I saw in India

Author : Josette Sheeran

Date : January 8th, 2009

The global financial crisis and the high cost of food mean different things in different places. In those parts of the world where hunger is on the march, their impact can be measured in empty stomachs and blighted lives. That is why, during my recent visit to India, I traveled to a remote district called [...]

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Getting worse before it gets better: trade finance and the risks caused by risk

Author : Pascal Lamy

Date : December 1st, 2008

Last comment the : 19 Apr-09

My apologies for not writing for nearly a year. I foresaw in my last two blogs that we were entering an intensive busy period in the WTO negotiations. The talks did indeed keep me busy this year, not least before, during and after the meetings in July that were so close to a breakthrough. What [...]

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Towards a Green Economy - Elements of a Global Green New Deal

Author : Achim Steiner

Date : November 21st, 2008

During the past two months we have seen Governments commit more than USD 3000 billion towards stabilizing financial markets. A further USD 2000 billion have already been announced for economic stimulus packages. Never in the history of humankind has so much money been allocated with so little preparation and strategic analyses.

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How will the financial crisis affect the South, and how can European Aid help developing countries face this challenge?

Author : ID4D (multi-author)

Date : November 5th, 2008

Last comment the : 25 Jan-09

The debate was initiated at the European Development Days 2008 in Strasbourg and the discussion continues. Rendez-vous in Stockholm for the 2009’s edition, and until then “To your keyboards”!

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Doha and the WTO after the July collapse

Author : Supachai Panitchpakdi

Date : September 12th, 2008

Last comment the : 23 Sep-08

The failure of the recent WTO Ministerial to achieve its objective of agreeing on modalities for negotiations in agriculture and NAMA is a setback for the Doha Round. The latest in a series of failed attempts, the breakdown of the July talks has led to concerns about the demise of the entire Round. A recent [...]

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Blog launch: Watch the video of the press conference

Author : webmaster

Date : October 24th, 2007

Watch the video of the press conference held on October 21st in Washington (French and English).

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The New International Aid Architecture: New Players, New Challenges, Old Problems?

Author : Donald Kaberuka

Date : October 16th, 2007

Last comment the : 26 Feb-09

1. Twenty years ago, 22 members of the OECD/DAC accounted for 95% of total aid to developing countries. Today, aid to developing countries is delivered via more than 150 multilateral agencies, 33 bilateral members of the OECD/DAC, at least 10 non-DAC [...]

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