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Stormwater Outreach Materials and Reference Documents

Man and Woman in the Rain with Umbrella

Stormwater pollution from point sources and nonpoint sources is a challenging water quality problem. Unlike pollution from industry or sewage treatment facilities, which is caused by a discrete number of sources, stormwater pollution is caused by the daily activities of people everywhere. Rainwater and snowmelt run off streets, lawns, farms, and construction and industrial sites and pick up fertilizers, dirt, pesticides, oil and grease, and many other pollutants on the way to our rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Stormwater runoff is our most common cause of water pollution. Because stormwater pollution is caused by so many different activities, traditional regulatory controls will only go so far. Education and outreach are key components to any successful stormwater program.

Outreach Materials

Recognizing this, EPA has developed a set of materials that state or local governments can customize and use in their own stormwater outreach campaigns. The electronic files on this page contain space for officials to add their own contact information and inexpensively reproduce these materials. Below you'll find materials for the general public, homeowners, construction site operators, and children.

Stormwater Reference Documents

In addition to the featured outreach materials, links are provided to key stormwater reference documents. Use the table of contents box to find key stormwater regulations, permits and applications, and guidance documents produced by EPA for industrial facilities, construction sites, and communities with municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Most states are authorized to implement the stormwater program, so be sure to check with your state (or the EPA Regional Office, for unauthorized states) for specific requirements. To determine if your state is authorized, please use this state authorization table.

For more information on stormwater and nonpoint source pollution, please visit:

Stormwater Outreach Materials

Files are available if you would like to send the publications below to a professional printing company for customized printing.

The Role of Local Governments in Implementing the NPDES Stormwater Program for Construction Sites [PDF Format, 2 pp.] - This new brochure provides local governments with a brief overview of the NPDES Stormwater Program on construction sites. Local governments can then provide this information to people in the construction industry who might need NPDES permit coverage. Stormwater permits require many operators of construction sites to implement steps to prevent sediment and other pollutants from washing off into nearby streams, rivers, lakes, and coastal waters. Files are available to print using a professional printer. Versions of both the Federal and State brochures are available. May be customized. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 833-F-06-0022.
How Do I Get Stormwater Permit Coverage for My Construction Site? A Construction Site Operator’s Guide to EPA’s Stormwater Permit Program [PDF Format, 4 pp.] - Provides construction companies with a brief overview of EPA's Construction General Permit (CGP) and its requirements. It is being sent to construction companies to inform them of the need to obtain permit coverage for sites disturbing one acre or more. The brochure contains a summary of the major provisions of the CGP, including areas of coverage, using EPA's new electronic notice of intent system for obtaining permit coverage, developing a stormwater pollution prevention plan, and more. Files are available to print using a professional printer. English and Spanish Versions of both the EPA and State brochures are available. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. Revised: September 2007. EPA 833-F-04-002.
After the Storm Brochure [PDF Format] - Provides a broad overview of stormwater pollution, including runoff from residential and commercial properties, farms, construction sites, automotive facilities, forestry operations, and others. May be customized. This brochure is also available in Spanish. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 833-B-03-002

The After the Storm video is now available on DVD. EPA 840-C-06-001

Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution Brochure [PDF Format] - This short brochure is targeted directly to homeowners and provides tips on a wide variety of simple things that homeowner's can do to prevent stormwater pollution. May be customized. EPA 833-B-03-003
Stormwater and the Construction Industry Poster - Great for construction sites of all sizes! You can print this poster on 11x17 paper. Side one [PDF Format] of this informative poster illustrates proper installation of common sediment and erosion control practices (best management practices). Side two [PDF Format] describes the process for developing and implementing a stormwater pollution prevention plan and obtaining permit coverage. The complete 30x40 poster [PDF Format] is also available. May be customized. Download the images used for this poster. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 833-H-03-001
Water Efficient Landscaping [PDF Format] - This booklet describes the benefits of water-efficient, low-impact landscaping. It includes examples of successful projects, programs, and contacts. EPA 832-F-02-002
Door Hanger: "Stormwater Pollution Found in Your Area!" [PDF Format] - Provides a friendly reminder to keep trash, chemicals, and other pollutants out of storm drains. For use by stormwater inspectors and other local officials, in conjunction with illicit discharge elimination systems. May be customized. You may use this file to reproduce this door hanger. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA.. EPA 833-F-03-002
Kid's Stormwater Stickers [PDF Format] - Kids love to collect and trade stickers! There are two pages with 12 colorful stickers that will help kids learn about some key water pollution issues. You may use this file to reproduce these stickers. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 833-E-03-001

Make your own set of stickers using these Tiff files:

Bookmark: "10 Things That You Can Do to Prevent Stormwater Runoff Pollution" [PDF Format] - Great promotional item! This handy bookmark lists 10 simple things anyone can do to prevent stormwater pollution. EPA 841-H-03-003
Placemat: "Take the Stormwater Challenge" [PDF Format] - Provides a fun learning opportunity for middle school children and can be used to generate classroom discussion or further exploration of water pollution issues. May be customized. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 841-H-03-002
Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff [PDF Format] - This fact sheet explains how urbanized areas affect water quality through increased runoff and pollutant loads and what homeowners can do to prevent stormwater pollution. Printed copies are no longer available from EPA. EPA 841-F-03-003.
Cleaning Up Polluted Runoff with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund [PDF Format] - Financing is always an issue! This fact sheet provides an overview on financing runoff-related projects with the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF). It explains how the SRFs work and provides some brief examples of the kinds of projects that have been funded by different states. EPA 832-F-03-004
Innovative Use of Clean Water State Revolving Funds for Nonpoint Source Pollution [PDF Format] - This fact sheet explains the creative approaches many states have taken to fund nonpoint source runoff projects using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. Innovative uses include using linked deposit and pass-through loans. EPA 832-F-02-004
Ohio's Restoration Sponsor Program Integrates Point Source & Nonpoint Source Projects [PDF Format] - This fact sheet summarizes how Ohio EPA has used the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to creatively fund runoff projects. EPA 832-F-02-001
Funding Decentralized Wastewater Systems Using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund [PDF Format] - This fact sheet describes options for using the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to finance installation, repair, and upgrading of septic systems. EPA 832-F-03-003

Ordering Materials

Please contact EPA's NPDES program at or fax your request to 202-564-6392. Please include the words "Stormwater Month Materials" in your e-mail or fax.

Customizing a Publication

Each publication can be printed to a local printer or a professional printing company as is or customized using one of the options below:

  1. Using the full version of Adobe Acrobat 7.0 (not the free version) allows the user to read a PDF, insert information in the fields provided, and save the new file. To insert local contact information on the PDF, click on each of the fields (name, agency, address, phone, and e-mail) in the "for more information" section on each publication. Replace the text with your information. Save and print the updated file and print it to a local printer.
  2. Using the free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader ( Exit EPA Site, access the files below. Click on each of the fields (name, agency, address, phone, and e-mail) in the "for more information" section on each publication. Replace the text with your information. You will NOT be able to save the new information, but you will be able to print to a local printer.
  3. Or simply stamp your agency's contact information in the "for more information" section of each publication.

Materials to be Customized

These PDF files have fields so local contact information can be added. These files can then be printed on a local printer.

The Role of Local Governments in Implementing the NPDES Stormwater Program for Construction Sites [PDF Format]
EPA 833-F-06-0022
After the Storm Brochure [PDF Format]
EPA 833-B-03-002
Door Hanger: "Stormwater Pollution Found in Your Area!" [PDF Format]
EPA 833-F-03-002
Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution Brochure [PDF Format]
EPA 833-B-03-003
Placemat: "Take the Stormwater Challenge" [PDF Format]
EPA 841-H-03-002
Stormwater and the Construction Industry Poster - side 1 and side 2 [PDF Format]
EPA 833-H-03-001
Stormwater and the Construction Industry Poster - Complete 30x40 Poster [PDF Format]
EPA 833-H-03-001


Printing a Publication Using a Local Printer

Each publication can be printed to your local printer or sent to a professional printing company. Document specifications for each publication are provided below. The Kid's Stormwater Stickers and Bookmark: "10 Things That You Can Do to Prevent Polluted Runoff" cannot be customized.





Recommended Paper Weight

After the Storm Brochure 11x17 4-color quarter-fold to 5.5x8.5 80 lb., offset, recycled
Make Your Home the Solution to Stormwater Pollution Brochure 5.5x17 4-color twice-fold to 5.5x8.5 80 lb., offset, recycled
Stormwater and the Construction Industry Poster 30x40 4-color   80 lb., offset, recycled
Door Hanger: "Stormwater Pollution Found in Your Area!" 4.25x11 2-color standard die-cut 65 lb., cover, recycled
Kid's Stormwater Stickers 8.5x11 4-color   Pressure sensitive white paper
Bookmark: "10 Things That You Can Do to Prevent Polluted Runoff" 2.5x8.5 4-color   80 lb., cover, recycled
Placemat: "Take the Stormwater Challenge" 14x11 4-color   60-70 lb., offset, recycled

Printing a Publication Using a Professional Printing Company

The downloadable files on this page can be sent to a professional printing company for reproduction.

Stormwater Reference Documents

This web site contains links to the key stormwater regulations and guidance documents developed by EPA. To search all stormwater and NPDES publications by keyword, program area, or document type, please visit the NPDES Publications site.

Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Web Site Exit EPA Site - In early 2002, EPA's Office of Compliance (OC) established a national work group to address issues related to the construction industry. The purpose of the work group is to identify existing and planned compliance assistance activities, foster communication among stakeholders, and develop tools to identify and address outstanding compliance needs. Click here [PDF Format] for a brief description of this web site.

Environmental Compliance for Automotive Recyclers Web Site Exit EPA Site - Provides information to help improve automotive facility operations, including industry Best Management Practices (BMPs) and self-audit check-lists. Click here [PDF Format] for a brief description of this web site.


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Printing a Publication Using a Professional Printer

Stormwater Regulations

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EPA Guidance Documents

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Last updated on October 19, 2008 8:57 PM