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Supplemental Appendices
Report No. 2003-P-00012

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EPA Fact Sheet Prepared for Ground Zero Workers

Asbestos Hazards and Precautions

In response to the World Trade Center devastation, concerns have been raised with breathing asbestos-contaminated material and irritation from skin and eye contact. Asbestos was likely used in various construction materials used to build the World Trade Center. Short term exposure to asbestos can cause respiratory, skin, or eye irritation. These symptoms can also be experienced from contact with non-asbestos dust, such as concrete particulate debris.

Fore the public the best response is to remain indoors with the windows shut if possible. For emergency workers air purifying respirators should be used when available but paper filament mask will provide sufficient protection under minimal exposure conditions.

Cleanup workers should be protected with appropriate eye protection, air purifying respirators and personal protective clothing, such as TYVEKs, to prevent skin irritation. Workers should practice basic decontamination procedures, such as washing hands and faces. To minimize air borne contamination, debris should be misted or sprayed with water during cleanup operations.


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