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National Invasive Species Information Center (NISIC): gateway to invasive species information; covering Federal, State, local, and international sources.

In the News
Current Invasive Species News:

EPA logo

EPA Budget Aims to Create Jobs, Protect Human Health and the Environment (May 7, 2009)
Environmental Protection Agency.
EPA's fiscal year 2010 budget blueprint takes significant strides to ensure that our air, land, and water are safe and clean. The budget includes a $475 million multi-agency Great Lakes Initiative to protect and clean up the largest fresh water lakes in the world through restoration efforts, invasive species control, non-point source pollution mitigation and critical habitats protection.

International Day for Biological Diversity logo

The International Day for Biological Diversity "Invasive Alien Species" -- May 22, 2009
Convention on Biological Diversity.
The theme for the International Day on Biological Diversity (IDB) in 2009 is invasive alien species (IAS) - one of the greatest threats to biodiversity, and to the ecological and economic well-being of society and the planet.

Invasive Alien Species: A Threat to Biodiversity Booklet

Music notes

Preventing the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species: Music with a Message
University of Wisconsin Extension.
Through the influence of music, these songs were produced to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species in Wisconsin and beyond. The songs have been vetted by natural resource professionals to assure they are scientifically accurate and recommendations are consistent with current laws.

Council of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation logo

North America Works to Halt Invasive Species (Apr 23, 2009)
Commission for Environmental Cooperation.
The new report, Trinational Risk Assessment Guidelines for Aquatic Alien Invasive Species was developed in cooperation with experts from Canada, Mexico and the United States. These guidelines will be used as a tool for North American resource managers to assess the risk of introducing nonnative species into a natural ecosystem.

Biofuel crop

Unregulated Biofuel Crops Pose Invasive Pest Risk (Apr 22, 2009)
Science Daily.
Biofuel crops being promoted and planted as a "green" renewable solution to energy needs might actually be aggressive invasive pests, caution University of Hawaii-Manoa researchers. The findings, "Assessing Biofuel Crop Invasiveness: A Case Study," are reported in the journal PLoS ONE, a Public Library of Science resource.

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment journal

Ecologists Put Price Tag on Invasive Species: Research reports costs of invasive species' damage to ecosystem services (Apr 20, 2009)
Ecological Society of America.
In a study, How well do we understand the impacts of alien species on ecosystem services? A pan-European, cross-taxa assessment (published in Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment e-view), ecologists have listed the invasive species that cause the most harm to environment and cost the most money to control.

Alligatorweed - Invasive.org

Species Profile -- Alligatorweed
USDA. NAL. National Invasive Species Information Center.
Alligatorweed is a perennial aquatic weed introduced to the southern U.S. from South America in the early 1880's from ballast water. Alligatorweed infestations blocked rivers, canals, and ditches across the South, often causing severe flooding. Alligatorweed forms dense mats that crowd out native species and impede recreational activities such as boating, swimming, and fishing.


Earth Day Network Partners with National Environmental Education Week -- April 12-18, 2009
Earth Day Network.
Earth Day Network is partnered with National Environmental Education Week, which annually promotes understanding and protection of the natural world by actively engaging K-12th grade students and educators of all environmental subjects (see Educators Network for lesson plans). Earth Day Network includes an event listing searchable by keywords, location and by date.

Asian oyster

Plans for Non-native Oysters in Bay Dropped: Foreign Species Deemed Ecologically Dangerous (Apr 7, 2009)
Baltimore Sun.
Virginia, Maryland and the Army Corps of Engineers announced a new strategy Monday for restoring oysters in the Chesapeake Bay that excludes any use of exotic Asian oysters. The decision ends years of debate about whether to introduce an Asian oyster into the bay and concludes nearly five years of formal study, costing $17 million in state and federal funds. The preferred alternative will focus solely on reviving native oysters - by building more artificial reefs in the Bay, expanding oyster farming opportunities and growing more baby oysters at more hatcheries.

Ifrared image of cow infected with foot-and-mouth disease - USDA, ARS photo

Foot-and-Mouth Disease: Novel Technologies Improve Detection and Control (Apr 2009)
. Agricultural Research Service Magazine.

Scientists at the ARS Plum Island Animal Disease Center are using Infrared thermography (IRT) cameras to see what human eyes can't. IRT cameras can identify at-risk cattle 48 hours before they begin to show any clinical symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease. In the event of an outbreak, this technology could facilitate rapid containment of the disease.

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Last Modified: May 08, 2009
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