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Print Collection

Printed Collections

The RCEI's scientific/technical library contains over 25,000 books and reports on paper and 150,000 items on microfiche. Subject coverage includes the environmental sciences with an emphasis on environmental conditions in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia. We also receive approximately 125 journals within the scientific/technical library. There are several special subject collections including:

  • The Hazardous Waste Collection. This collection consists of technical reports and books and OSWER (EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response) Directives dealing with hazardous site cleanup. It also includes Records of Decision (RODS) which outline cleanup options for individual sites and documents the decision making process for the chosen option. Lists of Region 3 RODS contained within the RCEI's Hazardous Waste Collection, grouped by fiscal year, are available at the bottom of the Region 3 Hazardous Site Cleanup Division (HSCD) Homepage http://www.epa.gov/reg3hwmd/.

    ROD documents, including full-text Records of Decision (RODs), ROD Abstracts, ROD Amendments, and Explanations of Significant Differences (ESDs), are also available online from the following Headquarters Superfund Program page http://www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/rods/.

  • The Wetlands Collection. This collection consists of books and technical reports on wetlands, brackish water and coastal areas.
  • The Pollution Prevention collection. This collection includes reports and books describing how to modify manufacturing processes to reduce the use of hazardous materials and eliminate waste.

All of the holdings are cataloged on OCLC; most of it is available to other libraries through Interlibrary Loan. We also receive about 200 journals on environmental topics.

To search for any of the materials above, visit our Online Catalog.


We receive approximately 125 journals on environmental topics as well as professional subjects such as computer science and personnel management. A list of journals is available.


The RCEI maintains approximately 125,000 technical reports on microfiche. Most of the reports are produced or sponsored by EPA, the Dept. of the Interior, the Dept. of Energy, the Dept. of Defense and other agencies with environmental functions. There are also about 25,000 environmental impact statements on microfiche.




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