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Climate Change Technology Program

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The United States government is investing in a diverse portfolio of energy technologies with the potential to yield substantial reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases. Given the considerable lead times for energy technology development, deployment and commercialization, investment in these technologies must be made today. With the establishment of the Climate Change Technology Program (CCTP) the U.S. continues to be a leader in climate technology research and development.

CCTP is a multi-agency, planning and coordination entity that assists the government in carrying out the President's National Climate Change Technology Initiative. It is managed by the Department of Energy and organized around five technology areas for which working groups have been established. EPA participates in all of the working groups and chairs the group focused on reducing emissions of non-CO2 greenhouse gases.

Climate Change Technology Program Vision and Framework

U.S. Climate Change Science Program logoThe CCTP vision is to attain - on a global scale in partnership with others - a technological capability that can provide abundant, clean, secure, and affordable energy and related services needed to encourage and sustain economic growth, while simultaneously achieving substantial reductions in emissions of greenhouse gases and mitigating the risks of potential climate change.

CCTP has developed a Vision and Framework document that provides overall planning guidance and strategic direction for Federal agencies contributing to climate change-related technology research and development. The full CCTP Vision and Framework for Strategy and Planning report is available on the CCTP Web site.

Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan

Cover of the Climate Change Technology Program Strategic Plan The CCTP draft Strategic Plan provides strategic direction and organizes about $3 billion in federal spending for climate change-related technology research, development, demonstration, and deployment - needed both to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and power economic growth. The plan is organized around six complementary strategic goals. (PDF, 52 pp., 3188 KB, About PDF)

The first five are focused on developing technologies that when applied will

  1. reduce emissions from energy end-use and infrastructure;
  2. reduce emissions from energy supply, particularly by development and commercialization of no- or low-emission technologies;
  3. capture, store and sequester CO2;
  4. reduce emissions of non-CO2 GHGs;
  5. enhance the measurement and monitoring of GHG emissions.

The sixth strategic goal is to strengthen the contributions of basic science to climate change technology development.

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